Iris aucheri

Botanical Name: Iris aucheri (added by D. Kramb, 05-OCT-03)
Botanical Synonyms:
Juno aucheri, Iris assyrica, I. fumosa, I. sindjarensis, and possibly Iris moabitica (D. Kramb, 05-OCT-03)
Juno, Scorpiris (D. Kramb, 05-OCT-03)
Common Names:
Juno (D. Kramb, 05-OCT-03)
Chromosome Count:
2n=22 (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
General Description:
6"-16" (15-40cm) tall, with blue to near-white flowers with yellow ridge on the falls (D. Kramb, 05-OCT-03)
The flowers have a violet-like scent. (D. Kramb, 26-DEC-03)
6-16" tall with flowers blue to near-white, with yellow ridge on the falls. (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
Can occur in dark purple with a white flash , blue and pure white, the bulbs can get twice the size of a tennis ball. it is worth obtaining good selections (Peter Taggart UK, 06-JAN-10)
Distinguishing Features:
Delicate fleshy roots (D. Kramb, 05-OCT-03)
The base of each leaf is 'inflated' as in the 3rd picture. (Peter Taggart UK, 06-JAN-10)
Preferred Habitat:
Arid, sunny, well drained soil (D. Kramb, 05-OCT-03)
Native Range:
Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran (D. Kramb, 05-OCT-03)
Also found in Jordan (D. Kramb, 26-DEC-03)
Northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey, northern Syria, western Iran (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
Status in the Wild:
Commercial Availability:
Rare (D. Kramb, 05-OCT-03)
Many named clones are on the market from specialist bulb growers (Peter Taggart UK, 06-JAN-10)
Sources Cited:
Info added by me on 26-DEC-03 comes from the book "Iris" by Fritz Kohlein. (D. Kramb, 26-DEC-03)
Info added on 14-SEP-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist for Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
Additional Comments: