Iris camillae
Botanical Name: Iris camillae (added by D. Kramb, 03-DEC-03)
Botanical Synonyms:
I. shelkownikowii, used more in Europe and Asia (John Baumfalk, 17-SEP-17)
Aril, Oncocyclus (D. Kramb, 03-DEC-03)
Common Names:
Chromosome Count:
2n=20 (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
General Description:
Blooms on stalks 8"-16" tall with flowers that are highly variable in color. (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
Rhizome medium in thickness. Leaves narrow, strongly falcate. Stem 20-40 cm tall. Flowers 6-8 cm in diameter, standards larger than falls, standards broader than and same color as falls. Falls violet, pale blue or pale yellow, no measurments for petals recorded. Signal dark purple, beard yellow. (D. Kramb, 08-JAN-06)
Distinguishing Features:
Preferred Habitat:
Found in stony places (D. Kramb, 08-JAN-06)
Native Range:
Azerbaijan (D. Kramb, 03-DEC-03)
Transcaucasia (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
Transcaucasia, Georgia, Lake Kazan Gel, hills of the Kura (D. Kramb, 08-JAN-06)
Status in the Wild:
Threatened (red list) in Azerbaijan (D. Kramb, 26-DEC-03)
Commercial Availability:
Sources Cited:
Info entered on 14-SEP-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 14-SEP-04)
Info entered on 08-JAN-06 comes from a posting by R. Stetson on the ARILROBIN mailing list on Yahoogroups in April 2005. (D. Kramb, 08-JAN-06)
Additional Comments:
Possibly of ancient hybrib origin between I.iberica, paradoxa and acutiloba. (D. Kramb, 08-JAN-06)