Species Iris Group of North America

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Iris humilis

Botanical Name: Iris humilis (added by Edmundas Kondratas, 16-NOV-03)

Botanical Synonyms:

Iris arenaria, I. dahurica, I. flavissima subsp. stolonifera, I. pineticola (D. Kramb, 21-SEP-04)


Genus Iris, Subgenus Iris, section Psammiris (Edmundas Kondratas, 16-NOV-03)

Common Names:


Chromosome Count:

2n=22 (D. Kramb, 21-SEP-04)

General Description:

5-25cm in height, leaves 2-7mm wide. Flower stem with one or two flowers 3-4cm in diameter, yellow with orange beard (Edmundas Kondratas, 16-NOV-03)

Flowering stems grow 2" to 10" tall. Flowers are yellow. (D. Kramb, 21-SEP-04)

Distinguishing Features:

Flower has flattish appearance, standards are shorter than the falls,and style crests are also shorter. (Edmundas Kondratas, 16-NOV-03)

Preferred Habitat:



Zone 1-6 (Yu.Pirogov, 20-NOV-03 )

Native Range:

Eastern Europe Moravia in Chech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Roumania south -east Russia, Asiatic Russia in Siberia right across to the far eastern provinces and Mongolia (Edmundas Kondratas, 16-NOV-03)

Eastern Europe, southeaster Russia, Asiatic Russia, Siberia, Mongolia (D. Kramb, 21-SEP-04)

Status in the Wild:

Probably common (Edmundas Kondratas, 16-NOV-03)

Very rare in European Russia and Ukraine (Yu. Pirogov, 20-NOV-03 )

Commercial Availability:


Sources Cited:

B.Mathew The Iris (Edmundas Kondratas, 16-NOV-03)

Info entered on 21-SEP-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 21-SEP-04)

Additional Comments:


Where to buy it:

Arrowhead Alpines

© 1999-2020, SIGNA. Material from this database may be freely used for non-profit purposes, provided that you give proper credit to the original photographer or contributor. For-profit organizations should contact the photographer or contributor directly to request permission. SIGNA may or may not have contact information for those individuals. Number of Species: 434, Number of Photos: 2121

© 2024, SIGNA. For general inquiries about SIGNA please contact Rodney Barton. Please report technical problems to dkramb@gmail.com.
* Some important new updates were added January 2024 indicated by the asterisk in the header. Please check them out!