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Iris kuschakewiczii

Botanical Name: Iris kuschakewiczii (added by Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)

Botanical Synonyms:



Scorpiris (Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)

Common Names:


Chromosome Count:


General Description:

2"-4" (5-10 cm) tall, purple and white flowers (Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)

4"-6" tall with pale violet flowers. Falls are marked very dark violet with a white crest. (D. Kramb, 25-SEP-04)

Distinguishing Features:

Summer dormant (Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)

Preferred Habitat:

Stony slopes (Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)


Zone 5-8, requires dry summer dormancy (Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)

Native Range:

Tien Shan Mts Central Asia (Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)

Russian central Asia (D. Kramb, 25-SEP-04)

Status in the Wild:


Commercial Availability:

Probably not (Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)

Sources Cited:

Mathew 1981 (Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)

Info entered on 25-SEP-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 25-SEP-04)

Additional Comments:

Grown in bulb frame (Jane McGary, 28-APR-04)

Where to buy it:

Sorry, but no sources of Iris kuschakewiczii have been uploaded yet.

© 1999-2020, SIGNA. Material from this database may be freely used for non-profit purposes, provided that you give proper credit to the original photographer or contributor. For-profit organizations should contact the photographer or contributor directly to request permission. SIGNA may or may not have contact information for those individuals. Number of Species: 434, Number of Photos: 2121

© 2024, SIGNA. For general inquiries about SIGNA please contact Rodney Barton. Please report technical problems to dkramb@gmail.com.
* Some important new updates were added January 2024 indicated by the asterisk in the header. Please check them out!