Iris lazica

Botanical Name: Iris lazica (added by D. Kramb, 09-NOV-03)
Botanical Synonyms:
Unguiculares (D. Kramb, 09-NOV-03)
Common Names:
Mor zambak (local name in Giresun, Turkey) (Anonymous, 25-MAR-08)
Chromosome Count:
2n=32 according to the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species (D. Kramb, 25-SEP-04)
General Description:
6"-10" (15-25cm) tall, with violet-blue flowers with yellow median stripe on the falls (D. Kramb, 09-NOV-03)
Purplish blue with yellow dotted stripes on the base of petals (Anonymous, 25-MAR-08)
Distinguishing Features:
Evergreen leaves, 10-20 cm long and 1-2 cm width in general (Anonymous, 25-MAR-08)
Preferred Habitat:
Wet but well drained places, asidic humid soil, on the hillside of gorges of the streams (Anonymous, 25-MAR-08)
Resistant to winter and also high temperatures (Anonymous, 25-MAR-08)
Native Range:
Black Sea, southwestern Caucasia (D. Kramb, 09-NOV-03)
Giresun, Ordu, Trabzon, Rize and Artvin provinces located in Black Sea Region of Turkey. (Anonymous, 25-MAR-08)
Status in the Wild:
On sunny hillskirts. The habitat consists of vaccinium myrtillus, rodendrons, bracken ferns, rhamnus and chestnusts in additon to many herbs such as wild strawberries, salvia sp. (Anonymous, 25-MAR-08)
Commercial Availability:
Specialty (D. Kramb, 09-NOV-03)
Wild (Anonymous, 25-MAR-08)
Sources Cited:
Zeynel Cebeci, personal notes (Anonymous, 25-MAR-08)
Additional Comments: