Iris stenophylla var. alisonii

Botanical Name: Iris stenophylla var. alisonii (added by D. Kramb, 27-OCT-03)
Botanical Synonyms:
Iris stenophylla subsp. allisonii (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)
Scorpiris (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)
Common Names:
Chromosome Count:
General Description:
Flowers are pale blue. The falls are streaked and spotted darker. (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)
A small juno perhaps 3" high, dramatic white and inky splotches on a lilac flower with wide falls (Peter Taggart UK, 05-JAN-10)
The seed capsuals are formed in the leaf bases just below ground level (Peter Taggart UK, 06-JAN-10)
Distinguishing Features:
Preferred Habitat:
Grow in stony compost and dust the tubers with dolimitic lime dust. must have plenty of air (Peter Taggart UK, 05-JAN-10)
Can tolerate freezing in the green house (Peter Taggart UK, 05-JAN-10)
Native Range:
Southern Turkey (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)
Status in the Wild:
Commercial Availability:
I bought a bulb from Ruksans, It was expensive, and another from the BIS species group table. both have incresed but they are identical and perhaps the same clone? I did get two seeds last year though (Peter Taggart UK, 05-JAN-10)
Sources Cited:
Info entered on 02-OCT-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)
Additional Comments:
Kept cool the each flower can last 6 weeks! it has a Huge flower for the size of plant and the bulbs clump up well but not as fast as ssp stenophylla, the leaves follow the flowers which are in February for me, It is less prone to rotting than some junos but still requires to be handled with respect. Very prone to virus, so it is important to divide in order to have spare pieces. (Peter Taggart UK, 05-JAN-10)