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Iris stolonifera

Botanical Name: Iris stolonifera (added by D. Kramb, 08-NOV-03)

Botanical Synonyms:



Regelia, Aril iris (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)

Common Names:


Chromosome Count:

2n=44 (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)

General Description:

Grows 12" to 24" tall. Flowers are blends of purples and browns, with yellow or blue beards. (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)

Its name is derived from the thin stolons by which it spreads vegetatively. The flowers of this species are quite variable in color ranging from milky white, to clear blue, purple, and rusty brown. The six beards are typically blue and yellow. (D. Kramb, 15-APR-07)

Distinguishing Features:

Unlike most aril species that have just one flower per stem, Iris stolonifera has stems with two or three flowers per spathe. (D. Kramb, 15-APR-07)

Preferred Habitat:

Altitudes of 800 to 2400 meters (2500 to 8000 feet) in dry rocky locations. (D. Kramb, 15-APR-07)


Very cold hardy, but must be kept dry in summer during its dormant period. (D. Kramb, 15-APR-07)

Native Range:

Central Asia, Pamir-Altai Mountains (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)

Afghanistan, and Pamir-Alai mountain range (D. Kramb, 15-APR-07)

Status in the Wild:


Commercial Availability:


Sources Cited:

Info entered on 02-OCT-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 02-OCT-04)

Info entered on 15-APR-07 comes from the July 1999 issue of the American Iris Society bulletin, article on Iris stolonifera by C. Lankow. (D. Kramb, 15-APR-07)

Additional Comments:

This is one of the most adaptable and vigorous of the aril species. (D. Kramb, 15-APR-07)

Where to buy it:

Fraser's Thimble Farms

Odyssey Bulbs

Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery

SIGNA member!

Paul Christian Rare Plants UK

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© 2024, SIGNA. For general inquiries about SIGNA please contact Rodney Barton. Please report technical problems to dkramb@gmail.com.
* Some important new updates were added January 2024 indicated by the asterisk in the header. Please check them out!