Iris tenax

Botanical Name: Iris tenax (added by D. Kramb, 08-NOV-03)
Botanical Synonyms:
I. gormanii (yellow variant of I. tenax) (D. Kramb, 06-JAN-04)
Iris tenax subsp. tenax (D. Kramb, 03-OCT-04)
Californicae, Pacific Coast Native (D. Kramb, 06-JAN-04)
Common Names:
Tough leaf iris, Oregon iris (D. Kramb, 06-JAN-04)
Chromosome Count:
2n=40 (D. Kramb, 03-OCT-04)
General Description:
Wide color range from purple and lavender to white, cream and yellow. (D. Kramb, 06-JAN-04)
Grows 6" to 14" tall with flowers in lavender, blue, violet, white, cream, or yellow. (D. Kramb, 03-OCT-04)
Distinguishing Features:
Floral tube between ovary and petals stout and short (about ¼ inch). Narrow spathes separate, leaving ovary exposed. Style crests short and rounded. Plants form dense, compact clumps with narrow, light green leaves growing taller than the numerous flower stalks. Stalks usually bear single flowers, occasionally two. (D. Kramb, 06-JAN-04)
Preferred Habitat:
Open or lightly shaded sites in open oak woodlands; unusual in coniferous forests unless they have been logged over. (D. Kramb, 06-JAN-04)
Native Range:
USA (CA, OR, WA) - Common and widespread in most of western Oregon and southern Washington west of the Cascade Mountains. There is a separate race in the Klamath Mountains of northern California. (D. Kramb, 06-JAN-04)
USA (OR, WA) (D. Kramb, 03-OCT-04)
Status in the Wild:
Commercial Availability:
Sources Cited:
Information entered on 06-JAN-04 comes from the Pacific Coast Native Iris club website. (D. Kramb, 06-JAN-04)
Info entered on 03-OCT-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 03-OCT-04)
Additional Comments:
Http:// (D. Kramb, 06-JAN-04)