Iris vartanii

Botanical Name: Iris vartanii (added by Peter Taggart (UK), 05-JAN-10)
Botanical Synonyms:
Iridodictyum vartanii (Peter Taggart (UK), 05-JAN-10)
Hermodactyloides (Peter Taggart (UK), 05-JAN-10)
Common Names:
Chromosome Count:
2n=20 (Peter Taggart (UK), 05-JAN-10)
General Description:
Pale grey/blue flowers november to Januaryflecked with white. the style arms are white and long, wispy. the falls appear a little pointed at the tip. usually two leaves per bulb. a yellow ridge on the arm of the fall. scented 'of almonds' (Peter Taggart (UK), 05-JAN-10)
Distinguishing Features:
Preferred Habitat:
Native Range:
Israel, Jordan (Peter Taggart (UK), 05-JAN-10)
Status in the Wild:
Uncommon? (Peter Taggart (UK), 05-JAN-10)
Commercial Availability:
Very rare (Peter Taggart (UK), 05-JAN-10)
Sources Cited:
Additional Comments:
It produces rice grain bulbils, It is hard to please but is flowering for me for the third time in four years, I believe stable conditions as regards temperature versus water are the key to cultivating it, in order that the plant is in no doubt as to when it should and should not be in growth, feeding up the bulbs may also help. (Peter Taggart (UK), 05-JAN-10)