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Iris warleyensis
Botanical Name: Iris warleyensis (added by D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Botanical Synonyms: Juno warleyensis (D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Classification: Juno, Scorpiris (D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Common Names: 2n=24 (D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Chromosome Count: N/A
General Description: It is a rather tall plant, 24-45cm high, with bulbs 5-7cm long and 2.5-4cm in diameter, carrying some fleshy and persistent thickened fusiform roots. There are typically 5-9 leaves which measure 20cm long and 2.5-3cm wide. They are glossy green above, and duller underneath with a slightly scabrous edge and clearly visible internodes at flowering time. Four to six flowers are borne at the top of a perianth tube 4-5cm long, unwinged and gradually enlarging into the blade with faint longitudinal veins on a whitish or pale violet ground, while the blad displays a large deep velvety violet blotch centered around a conspicuous yolk-yellow signal with a white crest. The standards are smaller 1.5-2cm, tricuspidate, deflexed along the tube, light lilac in color. The petaloid styles are 2-3cm long, the same hue as the standards with a few darker veins. The flowers have no scent. Seeds are freely produced by natural pollination. They are roughly cubical and light brown. Sown in autumn, they germinate readily. Seedlings take 3 to 4 years to bloom. Flowers vary from pale lilac to a dark violet-purple always with a a deeper conspicuous blotch on the falls. (D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Distinguishing Features: The leaves are quite narrow for a larger juno and the flowers are very distinctive in that on opening the falls quickly tuck themselver under. one form I grow has mutch thicker tubers but all plants I have have long tangled tubers which are a darker brown than those of most junos (Peter Taggart UK, 05-JAN-10)
Preferred Habitat: Stony slopes, granite outcrops in open grassland, steep loose scree and scree boulders between 1300-2000 meters elevation. (D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Hardiness: Probably performs best in areas with cold winters and hot summers. (D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Native Range:
Western part of the Pamir-Alai, Uzbekistan (Samarkand, Derbent, Bokhara, Zeravchan Mountains, and elsewhere) (D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Status in the Wild:
Commercial Availability:
Sources Cited:
Info entered on 06-SEP-04 comes from the fall 1998 SIGNA bulletin #61, pages 3172-73. (D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Additional Comments:
Bulbs should be planted so that the neck of the bulb is just at or below ground level. (D. Kramb, 06-SEP-04)
Where to buy it:
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