Rigidella orthantha

Botanical Name: Rigidella orthantha (added by D. Kramb, 13-JAN-04)
Botanical Synonyms:
Irid (D. Kramb, 13-JAN-04)
Common Names:
Chromosome Count:
General Description:
This species has bright red flowers on stems that can reach 3 ft tall (1m) with pleated foliage (as in its close relatives Tigridia and Alophia). (D. Kramb, 13-JAN-04)
Distinguishing Features:
Bright red flowers. (D. Kramb, 13-JAN-04)
Preferred Habitat:
Estimated at Zone 7-10 (D. Kramb, 13-JAN-04)
Did not do well for me in Zone 6. (D. Kramb, 23-DEC-05)
Native Range:
Mountains of Mexico (D. Kramb, 13-JAN-04)
Status in the Wild:
Commercial Availability:
Extremely rare. (D. Kramb, 13-JAN-04)
Sources Cited:
Information contained above comes from internet research. Not much info on this species has been published on the net, yet. (D. Kramb, 13-JAN-04)
Additional Comments:
In 2003 and 2004 this plant stayed dormant in my garden until fall and then started growing once temps dropped. Unfortunately freezing temps arrived before the plant could bloom. The plant apparently died by autumn of 2005 as no new growth appeared this year. (D. Kramb, 23-DEC-05)