Iris bicapitata

Botanical Name: Iris bicapitata (added by Lowell Baumunk, 06-JAN-07)
Botanical Synonyms:
Eupogon (Lowell Baumunk, 06-JAN-07)
Common Names:
2n=40 (Lowell Baumunk, 06-JAN-07)
Chromosome Count:
General Description:
12-16" Flowers variable from white to yellow to purples, selfs and bicolors; beard blue or white, but tipped yellow. (Lowell Baumunk, 06-JAN-07)
Leaves are 30-40 cm long; flower stem is normally a bit above the leaves but can be up to 60 cm tall. Flowers are really variable in color (whitish, bicoloured, pale yellow or pale blue are reather common)but the most common coloration is deep blue-violet. (Filippo Dimatteo, 13-SEP-08)
Distinguishing Features:
In its habitus this species is really similar to I. germanica but a bit smaller. Falls are normally bent down; the flowers are strongly scented (seems violet scent) and easily attracts bees and other pollinators, especially Bombus. Even two flowers per stem, never branching. (Filippo Dimatteo, 13-SEP-08)
Preferred Habitat:
Open and very sunny slopes in calcareous soils. Dry summer and reather cold winter (snow is frequently present in the late winter) (Filippo Dimatteo, 13-SEP-08)
Hardy (probably can tolerate more than -15 C) but in its habitat the winters are normally not colder than -10 C (Filippo Dimatteo, 13-SEP-08)
Native Range:
Gargano Penninsula, Italy (Lowell Baumunk, 06-JAN-07)
Endemic species of the Gargano peninsula (Apulia, southern Italy). (Filippo Dimatteo, 13-SEP-08)
Status in the Wild:
Rare but abundant populations. (Filippo Dimatteo, 13-SEP-08)
Commercial Availability:
Rare (Lowell Baumunk, 06-JAN-07)
Not available, only in exchanges. (Filippo Dimatteo, 13-SEP-08)
Sources Cited:
SIGNA Checklist. Pries and Witt (Lowell Baumunk, 06-JAN-07)
Additional Comments:
In cultivation this species seems to can easily rebloom in the autumn. Very fertile and vigorous plant, can tolerate warm and dry summers. Cultivation required is similar to other median and tall bearded irises. (Filippo Dimatteo, 13-SEP-08)