Iris danfordiae

Botanical Name: Iris danfordiae (added by D. Kramb, 30-NOV-03)
Botanical Synonyms:
I. amasiana; I. bornmuelleri; I. crociformis (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Hermodactyloides (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Common Names:
Reticulata Irises (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Chromosome Count:
2n=18, 27, 28 (D. Kramb, 17-SEP-04)
General Description:
Yellow dotted green wuth orange crest (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Grows 3-4" tall with yellow flowers dotted green. Falls have a deep yellow or orange crest. (D. Kramb, 17-SEP-04)
Distinguishing Features:
Reticulated with barey visible standards (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Preferred Habitat:
Gravely slopes near coniferous woods (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Cold hearty, (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Native Range:
Central Turkish mountains (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Turkey (D. Kramb, 17-SEP-04)
Status in the Wild:
Probably (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Commercial Availability:
Available (Will Plotner, 12-FEB-04)
Common in all garden centers in the autumn. (D. Kramb, 17-SEP-04)
Sources Cited:
Info entered on 17-SEP-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 17-SEP-04)
Additional Comments:
The commercially available clone appears to be triploid & sterile. Fertile diploid varieties are available through specialty mail-order nurseries. (D. Kramb, 17-SEP-04)
The triploid clone requires either very deep planting or else heavy feeding if the bulbs are to maintain themselves at flowering size. (Peter Taggart uk, 06-JAN-10)