Iris tenuis

Botanical Name: Iris tenuis (added by D. Kramb, 08-NOV-03)
Botanical Synonyms:
(, )
Oregonae (Will Plotner, 11-NOV-03 )
Lophiris (D. Kramb, 10-OCT-04)
Common Names:
Clackamas Iris (Will Plotner, 11-NOV-03 )
Chromosome Count:
2n=28 (D. Kramb, 10-OCT-04)
General Description:
Lt. green deciduous leaves 30-35cm long & 1-2cm wide, varing white flowers 3-5cm across (Will Plotner, 11-NOV-03 )
Grows 12"-14" tall with flowers that are white, or marked in blue, with a yellowish crest-like ridge. (D. Kramb, 10-OCT-04)
Distinguishing Features:
Very small wirery Rhizomes run close to the surface of the ground, D shaped seeds (Will Plotner, 11-NOV-03 )
Preferred Habitat:
Afternoon shade in moist leafy soil (Will Plotner, 11-NOV-03 )
Cold hearty, but not heat or dry hardy (Will Plotner, 11-NOV-03 )
Native Range:
Clackamas River, Clackamas County, Oregon (Will Plotner, 11-NOV-03 )
Status in the Wild:
Scattered in the forest of the Clackamas River Drainage system (Will Plotner, 11-NOV-03 )
Commercial Availability:
Yes (Will Plotner, 11-NOV-03 )
Sources Cited:
Info entered on 10-OCT-04 comes from the SIGNA Checklist of Iris Species. (D. Kramb, 10-OCT-04)
Additional Comments:
Grows successfully in eastern MA (Jan Sacks, 13-NOV-03 )