Species Iris Group of North America

What's An Iris? What's SIGNA? Seed Exchange
Publications* Species Database Spec-X IOTM

The most recent photos added to the database:

Complete list of updates to the database since 2003:
    01 July, 2024 - added some new information for .
    21 August, 2021 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris potaninii.
    21 August, 2021 - added some new information for photograph # for .
    21 August, 2021 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris mandshurica.
    02 November, 2020 - New photo #4 added for Iris juncea from Pat Toolan. -
    05 May, 2020 - New photo #12 added for Iris tenuifolia from Yuriy Danilevsky. -
    04 May, 2020 - Yuriy Danilevsky added a new species entry for Iris tenuifolia.
    14 August, 2019 - fermi de Sousa added a new species entry for Moraea marlothii.10 February, 2020 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris zagrica.
    14 August, 2019 - New photo #1 added for Moraea herrei from Fermi de Sousa.
    14 August, 2019 - fermi de Sousa added a new species entry for Moraea herrei.
    14 August, 2019 - New photo #3 added for Iris x hollandica from Fermi de Sousa.
    14 August, 2019 - New photo #2 added for Iris x hollandica from Fermi de Sousa.
    14 August, 2019 - New photo #1 added for Iris x hollandica from Fermi de Sousa.
    13 July, 2019 - New photo #4 added for Iris hartwegii susbp. australis from Ken Walker.
    13 July, 2019 - New photo #3 added for Iris hartwegii susbp. australis from Ken Walker.
    13 July, 2019 - New photo #2 added for Iris hartwegii susbp. australis from Ken Walker.
    13 July, 2019 - New photo #1 added for Iris hartwegii susbp. australis from Ken Walker.
    27 May, 2019 - Lynn Cremona added some new information for Sisyrinchium atlanticum.
    22 April, 2019 - New photo #22 added for Iris brevicaulis from Kent Benton.
    22 April, 2019 - New photo #21 added for Iris brevicaulis from Kent Benton. -
    26 February, 2019 - New photo #15 added for Iris reichenbachii from Tom Waters.
    26 February, 2019 - New photo #14 added for Iris reichenbachii from Tom Waters.
    26 February, 2019 - New photo #13 added for Iris reichenbachii from Tom Waters.
    26 February, 2019 - New photo #12 added for Iris reichenbachii from Tom Waters.
    17 February, 2019 - New photo #11 added for Iris planifolia from Ken Walker.
    17 February, 2019 - New photo #10 added for Iris planifolia from Ken Walker.
    17 February, 2019 - Sean Zera added some new information for Iris kopetdagensis.
    05 September, 2018 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris schachtii.
    04 July, 2018 - New photo #22 added for Iris stolonifera from Ken Walker.
    04 July, 2018 - New photo #21 added for Iris stolonifera from Ken Walker.
    02 March, 2018 - Henrik Zetterlund added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris zagrica.
    23 February, 2018 - New photo #17 added for Iris lutescens from Ken Walker.
    22 February, 2018 - New photo #16 added for Iris lutescens from Ken Walker.
    22 February, 2018 - New photo #22 added for Iris unguicularis from Ken Walker.
    08 February, 2018 - New photo #7 added for Iris cretensis from Ken Walker.
    15 January, 2018 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris stocksii.
    05 January, 2018 - New photo #21 added for Iris unguicularis from Ken Walker.
    16 October, 2017 - New photo #22 added for Iris pseudacorus from Ken Walker.
    15 October, 2017 - New photo #34 added for Iris fulva from Ken Walker.
    15 October, 2017 - New photo #20 added for Iris stolonifera from Ken Walker.
    13 October, 2017 - New photo #10 added for Iris vicaria from Ken Walker.
    13 October, 2017 - New photo #2 added for Iris maracandica from Ken Walker.
    13 October, 2017 - New photo #4 added for Iris zagrica from Ken Walker.
    09 October, 2017 - New photo #18 added for Iris tridentata from Ken Walker.
    09 October, 2017 - New photo #10 added for Iris henryi from Ken Walker.
    08 October, 2017 - New photo #7 added for Iris virginica var. shrevei from Ken Walker.
    08 October, 2017 - New photo #4 added for Iris spuria subsp. spuria from Ken Walker.
    06 October, 2017 - New photo #4 added for Iris anguifuga from Ken Walker.
    01 October, 2017 - New photo #6 added for Iris scariosa from John Baumfalk. -
    23 September, 2017 - John Baumfalk added some new information for Iris longiscapa.
    23 September, 2017 - New photo #1 added for Iris longiscapa from John Baumfalk. -
    23 September, 2017 - New photo #1 added for Farraria wilwitschii from John Baumfalk. -
    23 September, 2017 - John Baumfalk added a new species entry for Farraria wilwitschii.
    23 September, 2017 - New photo #1 added for Tigridia vanhouttei from John Baumfalk. -
    23 September, 2017 - John Baumfalk added a new species entry for Tigridia vanhouttei.
    21 September, 2017 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris serotina.
    21 September, 2017 - New photo #9 added for Iris serotina from Ken Walker.
    18 September, 2017 - John Baumfalk added some new information for Cypella herbertii.
    18 September, 2017 - John Baumfalk added a new species entry for Iris longiscapa.
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #1 added for Iris falcifolia from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - John Baumfalk added a new species entry for Iris falcifolia.
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #13 added for Iris hoogiana from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #12 added for Iris hoogiana from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #5 added for Iris susiana from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #7 added for Cypella herbertii from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #7 added for Iris acutiloba from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #6 added for Cypella herbertii from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #6 added for Iris variegata from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #6 added for Iris urmiensis from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #4 added for Iris susiana from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #19 added for Iris stolonifera from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #2 added for Iris sintenisii subsp. brandzae from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #6 added for Iris sari from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #3 added for Iris paradoxa f. choschab from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #2 added for Iris mandshurica from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #2 added for Iris lortetii subsp. samariae from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #6 added for Iris lineata from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #12 added for Iris korolkowii from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #7 added for Iris kirkwoodiae from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #11 added for Iris hoogiana from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #9 added for Iris henryi from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #2 added for Iris grossheimi from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #5 added for Iris gatesii from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #13 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #12 added for Iris chrysographes from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #7 added for Iris camillae from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #6 added for Iris afghanica from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - New photo #6 added for Iris acutiloba from John Baumfalk. -
    18 September, 2017 - John Baumfalk added some new information for Iris susiana.
    18 September, 2017 - John Baumfalk added some new information for Iris hoogiana.
    18 September, 2017 - John Baumfalk added some new information for Iris camillae.
    17 September, 2017 - New photo #5 added for Iris potaninii from J. -
    07 August, 2017 - New photo #8 added for Iris henryi from Ken Walker.
    09 March, 2017 - New photo #15 added for Iris lutescens from Ken Walker.
    28 February, 2017 - added some new information for .
    26 February, 2017 - added some new information for .
    22 February, 2017 - New photo #7 added for Iris grant duffii from Sean Zera.
    26 October, 2016 - New photo #20 added for Iris dichotoma from Ken Walker.
    26 October, 2016 - New photo #19 added for Iris dichotoma from Ken Walker.
    26 October, 2016 - New photo #6 added for Iris bicapitata from Ken Walker.
    26 October, 2016 - New photo #6 added for Iris xanthospuria from Ken Walker.
    26 October, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Iris xanthospuria from Ken Walker.
    26 October, 2016 - New photo #11 added for Iris milesii from Ken Walker.
    26 October, 2016 - New photo #19 added for Iris ensata from Ken Walker.
    25 October, 2016 - New photo #20 added for Iris unguicularis from Ken Walker.
    25 October, 2016 - New photo #12 added for Iris japonica from Ken Walker.
    25 October, 2016 - New photo #31 added for Iris reticulata from Ken Walker.
    13 October, 2016 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris delavayi.
    02 September, 2016 - New photo #6 added for Babiana pygmaea from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 September, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Babiana pygmaea from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 September, 2016 - New photo #4 added for Babiana pygmaea from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 September, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Gladiolus watermeyeri from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 September, 2016 - New photo #4 added for Gladiolus watermeyeri from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 September, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Babiana odorata from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 September, 2016 - New photo #4 added for Babiana odorata from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 September, 2016 - New photo #3 added for Babiana odorata from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 September, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Babiana odorata from Fermi de Sousa.
    05 August, 2016 - New photo #6 added for Hesperantha humilis from Fermi de Sousa.
    05 August, 2016 - New photo #3 added for Gladiolus dalenii from Fermi de Sousa.
    05 August, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Gladiolus dalenii from Fermi de Sousa.
    05 August, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Gladiolus dalenii from Fermi de Sousa.
    05 August, 2016 - Fermi de Sousa added a new species entry for Gladiolus dalenii.
    05 August, 2016 - New photo #6 added for Moraea polystachya from Fermi de Sousa.
    05 August, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Moraea polystachya from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #3 added for Sisyrinchium palmifolium from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Sisyrinchium palmifolium from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Sisyrinchium palmifolium from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - Fermi de Sousa added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium palmifolium.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Ixia rouxii from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Ixia rouxii from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - Fermi de Sousa added a new species entry for Ixia rouxii.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Babiana ringens from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Babiana ringens from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - Fermi de Sousa added a new species entry for Babiana ringens.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Gladiolus liliaceus from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #4 added for Gladiolus liliaceus from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #3 added for Gladiolus liliaceus from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Gladiolus liliaceus from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Gladiolus liliaceus from Fermi de Sousa.
    02 August, 2016 - Fermi de Sousa added a new species entry for Gladiolus liliaceus.
    01 August, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Lapeirousia oreogena from Fermi de Sousa.
    01 August, 2016 - New photo #4 added for Lapeirousia oreogena from Fermi de Sousa.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #4 added for Iris xanthospuria from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Iris wilsonii from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #45 added for Iris versicolor from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #44 added for Iris versicolor from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #13 added for Iris sibirica from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #27 added for Iris setosa from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #26 added for Iris setosa from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #11 added for Iris sanguinea from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Iris maackii from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris maackii.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #10 added for Iris sanguinea from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #26 added for Iris laevigata from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #33 added for Iris fulva from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #18 added for Iris ensata from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #17 added for Iris ensata from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2016 - New photo #12 added for Iris douglasiana from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #11 added for Iris chrysographes from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #10 added for Iris chrysographes from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #9 added for Iris chrysographes from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #8 added for Iris chrysographes from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #6 added for Iris bulleyana from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Iris bulleyana from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #20 added for Iris brevicaulis from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris delavayi.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #6 added for Iris delavayi from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #5 added for Iris delavayi from Ken Walker.
    20 July, 2016 - New photo #4 added for Iris delavayi from Ken Walker.
    19 July, 2016 - New photo #10 added for Iris milesii from Ken Walker.
    19 July, 2016 - New photo #9 added for Iris milesii from Ken Walker.
    04 July, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Iris spuria sogdiana from Ken Walker.
    03 July, 2016 - New photo #8 added for Iris serotina from Ken Walker.
    03 July, 2016 - New photo #7 added for Iris serotina from Ken Walker.
    03 July, 2016 - New photo #6 added for Iris serotina from Ken Walker.
    03 July, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Iris spuria sogdiana from Ken Walker.
    03 July, 2016 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris spuria sogdiana.
    11 June, 2016 - New photo #3 added for Iris juncea from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    11 June, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Iris juncea from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    11 June, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Iris juncea from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    11 June, 2016 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added some new information for Iris juncea.
    11 June, 2016 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris juncea.
    05 June, 2016 - Peter Taggart added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris sibirica.
    20 May, 2016 - New photo #3 added for Lapeirousia oreogena from Fermi.
    20 May, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Moraea macronyx from Fermi.
    20 May, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Moraea macronyx from Fermi.
    20 May, 2016 - New photo #2 added for Lapeirousia oreogena from Fermi. -
    20 May, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Lapeirousia oreogena from Fermi. -
    20 May, 2016 - fermi de Sousa added a new species entry for Lapeirousia oreogena.
    20 May, 2016 - fermi de Sousa added a new species entry for Moraea macronyx.
    20 May, 2016 - New photo #30 added for Iris reticulata from Fermi. -
    29 April, 2016 - New photo #11 added for Iris orientalis from Ken Walker.
    14 April, 2016 - New photo #1 added for Ferraria crispa from D. Kramb.
    14 April, 2016 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Ferraria crispa.
    17 March, 2016 - New photo #14 added for Iris germanica from Ken Walker.
    17 March, 2016 - New photo #13 added for Iris paradoxa from Ken Walker.
    17 March, 2016 - New photo #16 added for Iris lactea from Ken Walker.
    01 March, 2016 - New photo #24 added for Iris biglumis from Vichael Chernousov.
    06 February, 2016 - Sean Zera added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris rosenbachiana.
    06 February, 2016 - Sean Zera added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris rosenbachiana.
    31 January, 2016 - Peter Taggart added some new information for photograph #19 for Iris reticulata.
    30 January, 2016 - New photo #23 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov.
    30 January, 2016 - New photo #22 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov.
    27 January, 2016 - New photo #6 added for Iris tingitana from Ken Walker.
    04 January, 2016 - Fritz Lehmann (www.irisparadise.com) added some new information for photograph #13 for Iris lutescens.
    01 December, 2015 - New photo #4 added for Iris verna var. smalliana from Sean Zera.
    01 December, 2015 - New photo #3 added for Iris verna var. smalliana from Sean Zera.
    01 December, 2015 - New photo #2 added for Iris verna var. smalliana from Sean Zera.
    01 December, 2015 - Sean Zera added some new information for Iris verna var. smalliana.
    10 August, 2015 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris wattii.
    20 July, 2015 - New photo #10 added for Iris sintenisii from D. Kramb.
    20 July, 2015 - New photo #9 added for Iris sintenisii from D. Kramb.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #25 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #24 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #23 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #22 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #21 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #20 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #19 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #18 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #17 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #16 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #15 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #14 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #13 added for Iris laevigata from Nick Kurzenko.
    04 June, 2015 - New photo #16 added for Iris ensata from Nick Kurzenko.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #27 added for Iris cristata from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #26 added for Iris cristata from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #25 added for Iris cristata from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #17 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #16 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #15 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #14 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #13 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #2 added for Sisyrinchium albidum from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #1 added for Sisyrinchium albidum from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #16 added for Iris missouriensis from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #2 added for Iris albertii from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #5 added for Iris furcata from D. Kramb.
    05 May, 2015 - New photo #11 added for Iris korolkowii from D. Kramb.
    04 May, 2015 - New photo #1 added for Moraea gracilenta from Ken Walker.
    04 May, 2015 - Kenneth Walker added a new species entry for Moraea gracilenta.
    01 May, 2015 - New photo #2 added for Iris marsica from D. Kramb.
    19 April, 2015 - New photo #3 added for Iris spuria subsp. maritima from D. Kramb.
    19 April, 2015 - New photo #2 added for Iris spuria subsp. maritima from D. Kramb.
    19 April, 2015 - New photo #12 added for Iris tectorum from D. Kramb.
    30 March, 2015 - Sean Zera added some new information for photograph #27 for Iris reticulata.
    07 March, 2015 - New photo #2 added for Moraea tripetala from Ken Walker.
    01 March, 2015 - New photo #21 added for Iris magnifica from Ken Walker.
    01 March, 2015 - New photo #6 added for Iris nicolai from Ken Walker.
    01 March, 2015 - New photo #15 added for Iris bucharica from Ken Walker.
    01 March, 2015 - New photo #8 added for Iris orchioides from Ken Walker.
    01 March, 2015 - New photo #7 added for Iris orchioides from Ken Walker.
    22 January, 2015 - New photo #29 added for Iris reticulata from Ken Walker.
    20 January, 2015 - New photo #4 added for Iris histrio subsp. histrio from Ken Walker.
    20 January, 2015 - New photo #3 added for Iris histrio subsp. histrio from Ken Walker.
    17 January, 2015 - New photo #43 added for Iris versicolor from Sean Zera.
    17 January, 2015 - New photo #42 added for Iris versicolor from Sean Zera.
    17 January, 2015 - New photo #41 added for Iris versicolor from Sean Zera.
    17 January, 2015 - New photo #40 added for Iris versicolor from Sean Zera.
    17 January, 2015 - New photo #39 added for Iris versicolor from Sean Zera.
    16 January, 2015 - New photo #9 added for Iris lazica from Ken Walker.
    16 January, 2015 - New photo #8 added for Iris lazica from Kenneth Walker.
    05 January, 2015 - David Ferguson added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris ruthenica var. nana.
    30 December, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Iris potaninii from Tom Waters.
    29 December, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Iris hexagona var. hexagona from Sean Zera.
    29 December, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Iris hexagona var. hexagona from Sean Zera.
    29 December, 2014 - Sean Zera added a new species entry for Iris hexagona var. hexagona.
    26 December, 2014 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris taochia.
    14 December, 2014 - New photo #14 added for Iris lutescens from IrisP.
    04 December, 2014 - David J. Ferguson added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris junonia.
    23 November, 2014 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris purpureobractea.
    23 November, 2014 - Tom Waters added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris junonia.
    23 November, 2014 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris junonia.
    04 November, 2014 - New photo #7 added for Iris henryi from Ken Walker.
    02 November, 2014 - New photo #9 added for Iris tuberosa from Ken Walker.
    19 October, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Iris prismatica var. austrina from Anonymous. -
    29 September, 2014 - Corrected the database entry for Iris kirkwoodii to Iris kirkwoodiae upon learning the species was named in honor of Mrs. Grace Kirkwood. Via personal correspondence Shaukat Chaudhary agreed the name ends in 'iae'.
    12 July, 2014 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #8 for Iris speculatrix.
    12 July, 2014 - New photo #8 added for Iris speculatrix from Ken Walker.
    04 July, 2014 - New photo #7 added for Iris speculatrix from Ken Walker.
    14 June, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Dietes grandiflora from Ken Walker.
    14 June, 2014 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Dietes grandiflora.
    13 June, 2014 - Ken Walker added some new information for Dietes vegeta.
    28 May, 2014 - Lucia Cortopassi added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris sambucina.
    28 May, 2014 - Lucia Cortopassi added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris sambucina.
    20 May, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Iris sambucina from Lucia Cortopassi.
    20 May, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Iris sambucina from Lucia Cortopassi.
    20 May, 2014 - Lucia Cortopassi added a new species entry for Iris sambucina.
    13 May, 2014 - New photo #11 added for Iris reichenbachii from Anonymous. -
    11 May, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Iris spuria subsp. maritima from Ken Walker.
    11 May, 2014 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris spuria subsp. maritima.
    10 May, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Iris tingitana from Ken Walker.
    28 April, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Iris relicta from Lucia Cortopassi.
    28 April, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Iris relicta from Lucia Cortopassi.
    17 April, 2014 - New photo #6 added for Iris speculatrix from Ken Walker.
    13 April, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Iris spuria subsp. demetrii from Ken Walker.
    13 April, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Iris spuria subsp. demetrii from Ken Walker.
    13 April, 2014 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris spuria subsp. demetrii.
    07 April, 2014 - New photo #10 added for Iris sprengeri from D. Kramb.
    07 April, 2014 - New photo #18 added for Iris dichotoma from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #6 added for Hesperantha vaginata from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Hesperantha vaginata from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Hesperantha vaginata from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Hesperantha vaginata from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Hesperantha vaginata from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Hesperantha vaginata from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Hesperantha vaginata.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Hesperantha pauciflora from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Hesperantha pauciflora from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Hesperantha pauciflora from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Hesperantha pauciflora.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Hesperantha humilis from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Hesperantha humilis from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Hesperantha humilis from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Hesperantha humilis from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Hesperantha humilis from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Hesperantha humilis.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #6 added for Hesperantha coccinea from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Hesperantha coccinea from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Hesperantha coccinea from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Hesperantha coccinea from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Hesperantha coccinea from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Hesperantha coccinea.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #6 added for Hesperantha oligantha from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Hesperantha oligantha from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Hesperantha oligantha from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Hesperantha oligantha from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Hesperantha oligantha from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Hesperantha oligantha from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Hesperantha oligantha.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Hesperantha bachmannii from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Hesperantha bachmannii from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Hesperantha bachmannii from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Hesperantha bachmannii.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Hesperantha cucullata from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Hesperantha cucullata from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Hesperantha cucullata from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Hesperantha cucullata from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Hesperantha cucullata from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Hesperantha cucullata.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #6 added for Iris haynei from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Iris mariae from D. Kramb.
    24 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Iris nazarena from D. Kramb.
    17 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Neomarica candida from D. Kramb.
    17 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Neomarica candida from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Iris kolpakowskiana from Ken Walker.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Iris kolpakowskiana from Ken Walker.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Iris narbutii from Ken Walker.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #9 added for Romulea tempskyana from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #8 added for Romulea tempskyana from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #10 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #9 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Iris narbutii from Ken Walker.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #8 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #7 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #6 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #7 added for Romulea tempskyana from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #11 added for Iris rosenbachiana from Ken Walker.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #6 added for Romulea tempskyana from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Romulea tempskyana from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Romulea tempskyana from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Romulea tempskyana from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #10 added for Iris rosenbachiana from Ken Walker.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Romulea tempskyana from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Romulea tempskyana from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #9 added for Iris rosenbachiana from Ken Walker.
    16 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Romulea tempskyana.
    16 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Libertia caerulescens from D. Kramb.
    16 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Libertia caerulescens.
    14 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Babiana pygmaea from D. Kramb.
    14 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Babiana pygmaea from D. Kramb.
    14 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Babiana pygmaea from D. Kramb.
    14 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Babiana pygmaea.
    14 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Gladiolus watermeyeri from D. Kramb.
    14 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Gladiolus watermeyeri from D. Kramb.
    14 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Gladiolus watermeyeri from D. Kramb.
    14 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Gladiolus watermeyeri.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Gladiolus splendens from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Gladiolus splendens from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Gladiolus splendens from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Gladiolus splendens.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Moraea vegeta from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Moraea vegeta from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Moraea vegeta from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Moraea vegeta from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added some new information for Moraea vegeta.
    13 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Moraea vegeta.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #3 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #2 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Sparaxis elegans from D. Kramb.
    13 March, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sparaxis elegans.
    13 March, 2014 - New photo #15 added for Iris ensata from D. Kramb.
    08 March, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Iris nicolai from Ken Walker.
    08 March, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Iris nicolai from Ken Walker.
    08 March, 2014 - New photo #6 added for Iris histrio from Ken Walker.
    06 March, 2014 - New photo #12 added for Iris suaveolens from Tom Waters. -
    06 March, 2014 - New photo #11 added for Iris suaveolens from Tom Waters. -
    06 March, 2014 - New photo #29 added for Iris pumila from Tom Waters. -
    06 March, 2014 - New photo #28 added for Iris pumila from Tom Waters. -
    06 March, 2014 - New photo #27 added for Iris pumila from Tom Waters. -
    06 March, 2014 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris pumila.
    06 March, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Iris pumila subsp. taurica from Tom Waters. -
    06 March, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Iris urmiensis from Tom Waters. -
    06 March, 2014 - New photo #18 added for Iris stolonifera from Tom Waters. -
    06 March, 2014 - Tom Waters added some new information for photograph #7 for Iris stolonifera.
    12 February, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Iris setina from Gianluca Corazza.
    26 January, 2014 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris decora.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #9 added for Iris decora from D. Kramb.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #1 added for Neomarica fluminensis from D. Kramb.
    26 January, 2014 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Neomarica fluminensis.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #5 added for Iris purpureobractea from D. Kramb.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Iris furcata from D. Kramb.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #10 added for Iris hoogiana from D. Kramb.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #12 added for Iris prismatica from D. Kramb.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #12 added for Iris laevigata from D. Kramb.
    26 January, 2014 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris urmiensis.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #4 added for Iris urmiensis from D. Kramb.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #17 added for Iris stolonifera from D. Kramb.
    26 January, 2014 - New photo #7 added for Iris croatica from D. Kramb.
    11 January, 2014 - New photo #19 added for Iris unguicularis from Ken Walker.
    28 December, 2013 - New photo #4 added for Iris sabina from Gianluca Corazza.
    08 December, 2013 - Sean Zera added some new information for Iris confusa.
    08 December, 2013 - Sean Zera added some new information for Iris wattii.
    30 November, 2013 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris chrysographes.
    22 November, 2013 - Sean Zera added some new information for Iris x vinicolor.
    29 October, 2013 - New photo #17 added for Iris dichotoma from Ken Walker.
    27 October, 2013 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris speculatrix.
    27 October, 2013 - New photo #5 added for Iris speculatrix from Ken Walker.
    16 October, 2013 - New photo #3 added for Iris capnoides from Sean Zera.
    16 October, 2013 - New photo #2 added for Iris capnoides from Sean Zera.
    21 July, 2013 - New photo #2 added for Moraea lewisiae from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2013 - New photo #1 added for Moraea lewisiae from Ken Walker.
    21 July, 2013 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Moraea lewisiae.
    21 July, 2013 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris confusa.
    21 July, 2013 - New photo #11 added for Iris confusa from Ken Walker.
    02 July, 2013 - New photo #14 added for Iris ensata from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2013 - Victor W. Lambou, 272 Pine Lane, Crawfordville, FL 32327; Phone: 850-925-4477; Email: Vwak@msn.com added some new information for Iris tridentata.
    02 June, 2013 - Gianluca Corazza added some new information for Iris calabra.
    02 June, 2013 - New photo #6 added for Iris grant duffii from H. Achilles.
    31 May, 2013 - New photo #1 added for Iris relicta from Gianluca Corazza.
    31 May, 2013 - Gianluca Corazza added a new species entry for Iris relicta.
    04 May, 2013 - New photo #10 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from Tom Waters.
    04 May, 2013 - New photo #9 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from Tom Waters.
    01 May, 2013 - Gianluca Corazza added a new species entry for Iris adriatica.
    28 April, 2013 - New photo #8 added for Iris ventricosa from Ken Walker.
    28 April, 2013 - New photo #6 added for Iris imbricata from Ken Walker.
    02 April, 2013 - New photo #7 added for Iris ventricosa from Ken Walker.
    01 April, 2013 - New photo #6 added for Iris danfordiae from Sean Zera.
    01 April, 2013 - New photo #28 added for Iris reticulata from Sean Zera.
    01 April, 2013 - New photo #3 added for Iris zagrica from Sean Zera.
    31 March, 2013 - New photo #6 added for Iris kirkwoodii spp. calcarea from Hans Achilles. -
    25 March, 2013 - New photo #8 added for Iris rossii from James Waddick.
    25 March, 2013 - New photo #7 added for Iris rossii from James Waddick.
    25 March, 2013 - New photo #6 added for Iris rossii from James Waddick.
    25 March, 2013 - New photo #5 added for Iris rossii from James Waddick.
    25 March, 2013 - New photo #4 added for Iris rossii from James Waddick.
    25 March, 2013 - New photo #3 added for Iris rossii from James Waddick.
    25 March, 2013 - New photo #2 added for Iris rossii from James Waddick.
    25 March, 2013 - New photo #1 added for Iris rossii from James Waddick.
    23 March, 2013 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris ventricosa.
    23 March, 2013 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris ventricosa.
    21 March, 2013 - New photo #20 added for Iris aphylla from Michael Chernousov. -
    21 March, 2013 - New photo #3 added for Iris nicolai from Michael Chernousov. -
    21 March, 2013 - New photo #6 added for Iris orchioides from Michael Chernousov. -
    21 March, 2013 - New photo #2 added for Iris caucasica from Michael Chernousov. -
    20 March, 2013 - New photo #21 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    20 March, 2013 - New photo #20 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    20 March, 2013 - New photo #19 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    20 March, 2013 - New photo #18 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    20 March, 2013 - New photo #17 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    20 March, 2013 - New photo #16 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #10 added for Iris confusa from Ken Walker.
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #15 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #14 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #13 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #12 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #11 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #10 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #9 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #8 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #7 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #6 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #5 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - New photo #4 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    19 March, 2013 - Michael Chernousov added some new information for Iris biglumis.
    18 March, 2013 - New photo #3 added for Iris biglumis from Michael Chernousov. -
    16 March, 2013 - New photo #6 added for Iris ventricosa from Ken Walker.
    16 March, 2013 - New photo #5 added for Iris ventricosa from Ken Walker.
    08 March, 2013 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris kemaonensis.
    09 February, 2013 - New photo #4 added for Iris auranitica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    09 February, 2013 - New photo #3 added for Iris auranitica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    03 February, 2013 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #10 for Iris reticulata.
    03 February, 2013 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #14 for Iris reticulata.
    03 February, 2013 - P added some new information for photograph #20 for Iris reticulata.
    03 February, 2013 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #13 for Iris reticulata.
    03 February, 2013 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #14 for Iris reticulata.
    03 February, 2013 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #20 for Iris reticulata.
    03 February, 2013 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #7 for Iris reticulata.
    03 February, 2013 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris reticulata.
    03 February, 2013 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris reticulata.
    03 February, 2013 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris reticulata.
    30 January, 2013 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris afghanica.
    24 December, 2012 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris milesii.
    23 December, 2012 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris milesii.
    23 December, 2012 - New photo #24 added for Iris cristata from Ken Walker.
    23 December, 2012 - New photo #23 added for Iris cristata from Ken Walker.
    23 December, 2012 - New photo #11 added for Iris japonica from Ken Walker.
    23 December, 2012 - New photo #6 added for Iris kirkwoodii from Ken Walker.
    23 December, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris kirkwoodii from Ken Walker.
    15 December, 2012 - New photo #15 added for Iris lactea from Ken Walker.
    15 December, 2012 - New photo #14 added for Iris lactea from Ken Walker.
    15 December, 2012 - New photo #16 added for Iris stolonifera from Ken Walker.
    12 December, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris bloudowii from Anonymous. -
    08 November, 2012 - Gianluca Corazza added some new information for photograph #13 for Iris lutescens.
    06 November, 2012 - Fritz Lehmann / Irisparadise added some new information for photograph #13 for Iris lutescens.
    26 October, 2012 - Gianluca Corazza added some new information for photograph #13 for Iris lutescens.
    23 September, 2012 - Kenneth Walker added some new information for Iris illyrica.
    21 September, 2012 - New photo #8 added for Iris decora from Ken Walker.
    21 September, 2012 - New photo #7 added for Iris decora from Ken Walker.
    17 September, 2012 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris decora.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #8 added for Iris cycloglossa from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #7 added for Iris cycloglossa from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris aitchisonii from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris microglossa from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New Zealand Iris Society added a new species entry for Iris microglossa.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #20 added for Iris magnifica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris albomarginata from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris graeberiana from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris fosteriana from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris narbuti from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #4 added for Iris leptorhiza from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris zaprjagajewii from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New Zealand Iris Society added a new species entry for Iris zaprjagajewii.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris baldshuanica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New Zealand Iris Society added a new species entry for Iris baldshuanica.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #8 added for Iris rosenbachiana from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #7 added for Iris rosenbachiana from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris kopetdagensis from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New Zealand Iris Society added a new species entry for Iris kopetdagensis.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris warleyensis from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #4 added for Iris warleyensis from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #9 added for Iris vicaria from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #8 added for Iris vicaria from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #14 added for Iris bucharica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris tubergeniana from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris tubergeniana from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #3 added for Iris pseudocapnoides from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris orchioides from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris capnoides from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris maracandica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 July, 2012 - New Zealand Iris Society added a new species entry for Iris maracandica.
    19 July, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris svetlanae vved. from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 June, 2012 - New photo #15 added for Iris missouriensis from Rodney Barton.
    19 June, 2012 - New photo #17 added for Iris tridentata from Rodney Barton.
    18 June, 2012 - New photo #7 added for Iris albicans from D. Kramb.
    18 June, 2012 - New photo #6 added for Iris albicans from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #10 added for Tigridia pavonia from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #9 added for Tigridia pavonia from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Sisyrinchium rosulatum from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium rosulatum .
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #15 added for Iris virginica from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #14 added for Iris virginica from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris elegantissima from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris elegantissima from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris elegantissima.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris scariosa from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #4 added for Iris scariosa from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #13 added for Iris virginica from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #4 added for Iris ventricosa from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #3 added for Trimezia martinicensis from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #10 added for Iris korolkowii from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #9 added for Iris korolkowii from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #8 added for Iris korolkowii from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Babiana odorata from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Babiana odorata.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #16 added for Iris foetidissima from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #15 added for Iris foetidissima from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #10 added for Iris barbatula from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #9 added for Iris collettii from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #9 added for Iris barbatula from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #8 added for Iris barbatula from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #7 added for Iris barbatula from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #6 added for Iris barbatula from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris barbatula from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #4 added for Iris barbatula from D. Kramb.
    15 June, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris bungei from D. Kramb.
    05 June, 2012 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris sanguinea.
    15 May, 2012 - New photo #3 added for Iris urmiensis from Sean Zera.
    15 May, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris urmiensis from Sean Zera.
    30 April, 2012 - David Ehrlich added some new information for Dietes vegeta.
    17 April, 2012 - Rafa Diez added some new information for photograph #13 for Iris lutescens.
    09 April, 2012 - New photo #13 added for Iris lutescens from Gianluca Corazza.
    09 April, 2012 - New photo #26 added for Iris pumila from Tom Waters.
    09 April, 2012 - New photo #25 added for Iris pumila from Tom Waters.
    09 April, 2012 - New photo #24 added for Iris pumila from Tom Waters.
    29 March, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris pseudocapnoides from Sean Zera.
    29 March, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris pseudocapnoides from Sean Zera.
    28 March, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Neomarica candida from Anonymous. -
    28 March, 2012 - Rodney Barton added a new species entry for Neomarica candida.
    28 March, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Neomarica northiana from Anonymous. -
    28 March, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Neomarica northiana from Anonymous. -
    25 March, 2012 - New photo #12 added for Iris lutescens from Lucia Cortopassi.
    22 March, 2012 - New photo #27 added for Iris reticulata from Sean Zera.
    17 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris narbuti from Anonymous. -
    15 February, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris danfordiae from Tom Waters.
    12 February, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris kuschakewiczii from New Zealand Iris Society.
    12 February, 2012 - New photo #7 added for Iris wilmottiana from New Zealand Iris Society.
    12 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris subdecolorata from New Zealand Iris Society.
    12 February, 2012 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris subdecolorata.
    12 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris linifolia from New Zealand Iris Society.
    12 February, 2012 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris linifolia.
    12 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris tadshikorum from New Zealand Iris Society.
    12 February, 2012 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris tadshikorum.
    12 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris narynensis from New Zealand Iris Society.
    12 February, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris parvula from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #4 added for Iris palestina from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #9 added for Iris planifolia from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #8 added for Iris planifolia from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #7 added for Iris planifolia from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris regis uzziae from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris regis uzziae from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris postii from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris postii.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris edomensis from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris nusariensis.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #3 added for Iris nusariensis from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #8 added for Iris aucheri from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #7 added for Iris aucheri from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #6 added for Iris aucheri from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris caucasica turcica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris caucasica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #1 added for Iris hymenospatha subsp. leptoneura from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New Zealand Iris Society added a new species entry for Iris hymenospatha subsp. leptoneura.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #4 added for Iris pseudocaucasica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #3 added for Iris pseudocaucasica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris pseudocaucasica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #6 added for Iris stenophylla var. alisonii from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #5 added for Iris stenophylla var. alisonii from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #4 added for Iris galatica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #3 added for Iris galatica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #11 added for Iris persica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #10 added for Iris persica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    11 February, 2012 - New photo #9 added for Iris persica from New Zealand Iris Society.
    19 January, 2012 - New photo #3 added for Iris ludwigii from Pascal Jongen. -
    19 January, 2012 - New photo #2 added for Iris ludwigii from Pascal Jongen. -
    24 December, 2011 - New photo #3 added for Iris vartanii from Ken Walker.
    15 December, 2011 - New photo #5 added for Iris latifolia from Anonymous. -
    15 December, 2011 - New photo #5 added for Iris latifolia from JLCCarrera. -
    10 December, 2011 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris reichenbachii.
    18 November, 2011 - New photo #14 added for Iris foetidissima from Ken Walker.
    12 November, 2011 - New photo #1 added for Iris celikii from Akpulat, HA. -
    24 October, 2011 - New photo #1 added for Babiana spathacea from Fermi de Sousa.
    26 September, 2011 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris regis uzziae.
    23 September, 2011 - New photo #10 added for Iris reichenbachii from By Gerhard Raschun jun.. -
    23 September, 2011 - New photo #5 added for Iris bicapitata from Gerhard Raschun jun.. -
    23 September, 2011 - New photo #5 added for Iris bicapitata from By Gerhard Raschun jun.. -
    23 September, 2011 - New photo #5 added for Iris imbricata from By Gerhard Raschun jun.. -
    23 September, 2011 - New photo #3 added for Iris taochia from Gerhard Raschun jun.. -
    23 September, 2011 - New photo #3 added for Iris sabina from Gerhard Raschun jun.. -
    23 September, 2011 - New photo #2 added for Iris sabina from Gerhard Raschun jun.. -
    23 September, 2011 - New photo #3 added for Iris kerneriana from Gerhard Raschun jun.. -
    23 September, 2011 - New photo #2 added for Iris kerneriana from Gerhard Raschun jun.. -
    05 September, 2011 - New photo #4 added for Iris wattii from Ken Walker.
    17 July, 2011 - New photo #8 added for Hermodactylus tuberosus from Ken Walker.
    19 June, 2011 - New photo #3 added for Iris wattii from Ken Walker.
    30 May, 2011 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris manchurica.
    17 May, 2011 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris wattii.
    17 May, 2011 - New photo #2 added for Iris wattii from Ken Walker.
    08 May, 2011 - New photo #9 added for Iris reichenbachii from Tom Waters.
    08 May, 2011 - New photo #8 added for Iris reichenbachii from Tom Waters.
    30 April, 2011 - New photo #6 added for Iris henryi from Ken Walker.
    18 April, 2011 - New photo #6 added for Iris wilmottiana from Sean Zera.
    18 April, 2011 - New photo #3 added for Iris leptorhiza from Sean Zera.
    18 April, 2011 - New photo #2 added for Iris leptorhiza from Sean Zera.
    16 April, 2011 - New photo #1 added for Iris leptorhiza from Sean Zera.
    16 April, 2011 - Sean Zera added a new species entry for Iris leptorhiza.
    13 April, 2011 - New photo #1 added for Iris parvula from PeterTaggart (UK). -
    13 April, 2011 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris parvula.
    13 April, 2011 - PeterTaggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris reticulata.
    13 April, 2011 - New photo #1 added for Iris zenaidae from PeterTaggart (UK).
    13 April, 2011 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris zenaidae.
    13 April, 2011 - PeterTaggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris graeberiana.
    13 April, 2011 - PeterTaggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris albomarginata.
    12 April, 2011 - New photo #5 added for Iris wilmottiana from PeterTaggart (UK). -
    12 April, 2011 - PeterTaggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris wilmottiana.
    12 April, 2011 - PeterTaggart (UK) added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris wilmottiana.
    04 April, 2011 - New photo #5 added for Iris atropurpurea from Tom Waters.
    04 April, 2011 - New photo #23 added for Iris pumila from Tom Waters.
    30 March, 2011 - Fritz Lehmann added some new information for photograph #21 for Iris pumila.
    29 March, 2011 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris japonica.
    25 March, 2011 - New photo #5 added for Iris histrio subsp. aintabensis from Sean Zera.
    25 March, 2011 - New photo #4 added for Iris histrio subsp. aintabensis from Sean Zera.
    01 March, 2011 - New photo #2 added for Iris lusitanica from Sean Zera.
    01 March, 2011 - New photo #1 added for Iris lusitanica from Sean Zera.
    01 March, 2011 - Sean Zera added a new species entry for Iris lusitanica.
    26 February, 2011 - New photo #5 added for Iris haynei from Hans Achilles.
    26 February, 2011 - New photo #4 added for Iris damascena from Hans Achilles.
    26 February, 2011 - New photo #8 added for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica from L.Bondarenko.
    25 February, 2011 - New photo #4 added for Iris albomarginata from L.Bondarenko.
    22 February, 2011 - New photo #1 added for Iris pseudocaucasica from Leonid Bondarenko.
    18 February, 2011 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris korolkowii.
    09 February, 2011 - New photo #32 added for Iris fulva from Rodney Barton. -
    09 February, 2011 - New photo #31 added for Iris fulva from Rodney Barton. -
    07 February, 2011 - New photo #2 added for Iris zagrica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    07 February, 2011 - New photo #1 added for Iris zagrica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    29 January, 2011 - Tom Waters added a new species entry for Iris curvifolia.
    28 January, 2011 - Yuri Pirogov added a new species entry for Iris bungei.
    28 January, 2011 - Yuri Pirogov added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris ventricosa.
    19 January, 2011 - Jamie Vande added a new species entry for Iris urumovii velenovsky.
    19 January, 2011 - Jamie Vande added a new species entry for Iris clarkei baker.
    18 December, 2010 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris suaveolens.
    18 December, 2010 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris pumila subsp. taurica.
    18 December, 2010 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris pumila.
    18 December, 2010 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris reichenbachii.
    18 December, 2010 - Tom Waters added some new information for Iris aphylla.
    18 December, 2010 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris aphylla.
    12 November, 2010 - J. Lubar added some new information for Calydorea coelestina.
    26 September, 2010 - New photo #4 added for Iris bicapitata from Pat Toolan. -
    26 September, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Iris bicapitata from Pat Toolan. -
    19 September, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Hesperoxiphion herrerae from Felipe orrego. -
    03 September, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Hesperoxiphion herrerae from Anonymous. -
    03 September, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Hesperoxiphion herrerae from Felipe Orrego. -
    22 August, 2010 - New photo #7 added for Iris korolkowii from Ken Walker.
    22 August, 2010 - New photo #13 added for Iris germanica from Ken Walker.
    22 August, 2010 - New photo #12 added for Iris germanica from Ken Walker.
    05 June, 2010 - Kelly D. Norris added some new information for Iris attica.
    01 June, 2010 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris urmiensis.
    30 May, 2010 - Peter Taggart, (UK) added a new species entry for Iris latistyla.
    29 May, 2010 - New photo #1 added for Iris urmiensis from Anonymous.
    29 May, 2010 - Jim Kurtz added a new species entry for Iris urmiensis.
    24 May, 2010 - New photo #1 added for Moraea huttonii from Sean Zera.
    24 May, 2010 - Sean Zera added a new species entry for Moraea huttonii.
    18 May, 2010 - New photo #30 added for Iris fulva from Ronald E Hornberger. -
    18 May, 2010 - New photo #29 added for Iris fulva from Anonymous. -
    15 May, 2010 - New photo #6 added for Iris korolkowii from Ken Walker.
    15 May, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Iris auranitica from F. Depalle. -
    10 May, 2010 - New photo #15 added for Iris stolonifera from Ken Walker.
    10 May, 2010 - New photo #1 added for Iris cedretii from Fred Depalle. -
    08 May, 2010 - New photo #4 added for Iris orchioides from Sean Zera.
    08 May, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Iris orchioides from Sean Zera.
    02 May, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Iris sofarana subsp. kasruwana from F. Depalle. -
    02 May, 2010 - Fred DEPALLE added a new species entry for Iris cedretii.
    02 May, 2010 - New photo #4 added for Iris antilibanotica from F. Depalle. -
    02 May, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Iris westii from F. Depalle. -
    17 April, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Iris albomarginata from Sean Zera.
    17 April, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Iris albomarginata from Sean Zera.
    04 April, 2010 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris clausii.
    31 March, 2010 - New photo #6 added for Iris rosenbachiana from Sean Zera.
    31 March, 2010 - Sean Zera added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris rosenbachiana.
    31 March, 2010 - New photo #5 added for Iris rosenbachiana from Sean Zera.
    16 March, 2010 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #10 for Iris japonica.
    14 March, 2010 - New photo #10 added for Iris japonica from Ken Walker.
    09 March, 2010 - Jamie Vande added some new information for Iris wilsonii.
    09 March, 2010 - Jamie Vande added some new information for Iris wilsonii.
    07 March, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris gionocarpa.
    06 March, 2010 - New photo #9 added for Iris japonica from Ken Walker.
    06 March, 2010 - New photo #7 added for Iris vicaria from Ken Walker.
    05 March, 2010 - New photo #1 added for Iris albomarginata from Ken Walker.
    05 March, 2010 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris albomarginata.
    24 February, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Iris assadiana from Ken Walker.
    10 February, 2010 - New photo #4 added for Iris rosenbachiana from Peter Taggart (UK).
    10 February, 2010 - New photo #1 added for Irodyctum kopetdagense from Peter Taggart (UK).
    10 February, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Irodyctum kopetdagense.
    10 February, 2010 - New photo #4 added for Iris stenophylla var. alisonii from Peter Taggart (UK). -
    10 February, 2010 - New photo #5 added for Iris histrio from Peter Taggart (UK). -
    10 February, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Iris stenophylla var. alisonii from Peter Taggart (UK).
    24 January, 2010 - New photo #5 added for Iris babadagica from D. Kramb.
    24 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for Iris rosenbachiana.
    24 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added some new information for Iris nicolai.
    24 January, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Iris rosenbachiana from Peter Taggart (UK). -
    24 January, 2010 - New photo #26 added for Iris reticulata from Peter Taggart (UK). -
    24 January, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Iris vartanii from Peter Taggart (UK). -
    23 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris zagrica.
    23 January, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Iris histrio subsp. aintabensis from Peter Taggart (UK). -
    23 January, 2010 - New photo #1 added for Iris vartanii from Anonymous. -
    16 January, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Iris histrio subsp. aintabensis from Ken Walker.
    16 January, 2010 - New photo #1 added for Iris histrio subsp. aintabensis from Ken Walker.
    16 January, 2010 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris histrio subsp. aintabensis.
    16 January, 2010 - New photo #6 added for Iris planifolia from Ken Walker.
    14 January, 2010 - New photo #4 added for Moraea polystachya from Ken Walker.
    14 January, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Moraea polystachya from Ken Walker.
    13 January, 2010 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris xanthospuria.
    13 January, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Iris xanthospuria from Ken Walker.
    13 January, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Iris xanthospuria from Ken Walker.
    12 January, 2010 - New photo #3 added for Cypella coelestis from Ken Walker.
    12 January, 2010 - New photo #2 added for Cypella coelestis from Ken Walker.
    12 January, 2010 - New photo #9 added for Iris munzii from Ken Walker.
    12 January, 2010 - New photo #8 added for Iris munzii from Ken Walker.
    12 January, 2010 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #7 for Iris milesii.
    12 January, 2010 - New photo #8 added for Iris milesii from Ken Walker.
    12 January, 2010 - New photo #7 added for Iris milesii from Ken Walker.
    06 January, 2010 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris persica.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris spuria sogdiana.
    06 January, 2010 - PeterTaggart UK added some new information for Iris palestina.
    06 January, 2010 - PeterTaggart UK added some new information for Iris orchioides.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart added a new species entry for Iris pseudocapnoides.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris capnoides.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris pseudocaucasica .
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris hipolyti vved..
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris svetlanae vved..
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris tubergeniana.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris caucasica turcica.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris caucasica.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris stenophylla var. alisonii.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris narynensis.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris narbuti.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris fosteriana aitch baker.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris aitchisonii baker boiss.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart uk added some new information for Iris galatica.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart uk added some new information for Iris barbatula.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart uk added some new information for Iris danfordiae.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart added some new information for Gladiolus italicus.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart added some new information for Hermodactylus tuberosus.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris aucheri.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart added some new information for Iris bucharica.
    06 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris cycloglossa.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris winogradowii.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart (UK) added a new species entry for Iris vartanii.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris warleyensis.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris vicaria.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris taochia.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris stenophylla var. alisonii.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris graeberiana.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris gatesii.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris galatica.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris filifolia subsp. filifolia.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris henryi.
    05 January, 2010 - Peter Taggart UK added some new information for Iris tectorum.
    15 December, 2009 - Rafael Diez Dominguez. added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris acutiloba.
    08 December, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris timofejewii from Jim Murrain.
    08 December, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris acutiloba from Jim Murrain.
    05 December, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris hookeri from D. Kramb.
    05 December, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris hookeri from D. Kramb.
    05 December, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris hookeri from D. Kramb.
    22 November, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris palestina from Rafael Diez Dominguez. -
    22 November, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris palestina from Rafael Diez Dominguez. -
    22 November, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris palestina from Rafael Diez Dominguez. -
    22 November, 2009 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris palestina.
    12 November, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris barbatula from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris wilsonii from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris x thompsonii from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris x thompsonii.
    05 November, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #8 for Iris collettii.
    05 November, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #7 for Iris collettii.
    05 November, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris collettii.
    05 November, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris collettii.
    05 November, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris collettii.
    05 November, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris collettii.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris tenuissima from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris tenuis from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris tenuis from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris tenax subsp. klamathensis from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris tenax subsp. klamathensis from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris tenax subsp. klamathensis.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris tenax var. gormanii from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris tenax var. gormanii from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris tenax var. gormanii from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris tenax from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #10 added for Iris tenax from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris tenax from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris tenax from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris tenax from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris tectorum from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #10 added for Iris tectorum from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris sanguinea from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris purdyi from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris purdyi from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris purdyi from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris purdyi from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris purdyi from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris prismatica from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris decora from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris munzii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris munzii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris macrosiphon from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris macrosiphon from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris macrosiphon from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris macrosiphon from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris macrosiphon from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris longipetala from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris longipetala from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris japonica from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris wilsonii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris wilsonii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #10 added for Iris innominata from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris innominata from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris innominata from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris innominata from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris innominata from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris innominata from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris hartwegii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris hartwegii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris graminea from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris gracilipes from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris gracilipes from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris forrestii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris fernaldii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris fernaldii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris fernaldii from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris douglasiana from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #10 added for Iris douglasiana from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris douglasiana from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris douglasiana from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris douglasiana from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris crocea from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris confusa from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris chrysophylla from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris chrysophylla from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris chrysographes from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris bracteata from Ken Walker.
    04 November, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris bracteata from Ken Walker.
    31 October, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Alophia drummondii from D. Kramb.
    23 October, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Hermodactylus tuberosus from Ken Walker.
    22 October, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Tigridia durangense from Arte Cifuentes.
    22 October, 2009 - Arte C. added a new species entry for Tigridia durangense.
    22 October, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Calydorea amabilis from Arte Cifuentes.
    14 October, 2009 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris rutherfordii.
    14 October, 2009 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris calabra.
    13 October, 2009 - IRIS HAVEN was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris bracteata.
    08 October, 2009 - Pépinière des Avettes was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tectorum.
    08 October, 2009 - Pépinière des Avettes was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris spuria subsp. halophila.
    04 October, 2009 - Peter Bohnert added some new information for Iris spuria subsp. spuria.
    04 October, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris spuria subsp. spuria from P. Bohnert.
    04 October, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris spuria subsp. spuria from P. Bohnert.
    04 October, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris spuria subsp. spuria from P. Bohnert.
    04 October, 2009 - Peter Bohnert added a new species entry for Iris spuria subsp. spuria.
    28 September, 2009 - Oregon Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris longipetala.
    28 September, 2009 - Oregon Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris douglasiana.
    28 September, 2009 - Oregon Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tenax.
    28 September, 2009 - Oregon Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris innominata.
    28 September, 2009 - Oregon Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hartwegii.
    28 September, 2009 - Oregon Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris chrysophylla.
    28 September, 2009 - Oregon Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tenuis.
    28 September, 2009 - Oregon Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tenax var. gormanii.
    22 August, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Tigridia pavonia from D. Kramb.
    08 August, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris boissieri from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    08 August, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris boissieri from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    08 August, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris boissieri from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    08 August, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris boissieri from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    08 August, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris boissieri from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    08 August, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris boissieri from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    04 August, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris boissieri from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    04 August, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris boissieri from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    04 August, 2009 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris boissieri.
    04 August, 2009 - Peckerwood Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Moraea comptonii.
    01 August, 2009 - Mike Ireland added a new species entry for Gladiolus.
    29 July, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris domestica from Ken Walker.
    25 July, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Hermodactylus tuberosus from Ken Walker.
    25 July, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Hermodactylus tuberosus from Ken Walker.
    25 July, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris verna var. smalliana from Ken Walker.
    25 July, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris warleyensis.
    25 July, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris warleyensis from Ken Walker.
    25 July, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris verna.
    24 June, 2009 - New photo #16 added for Iris tridentata from Ken Walker.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris stenophylla var. alisonii from H. Achilles.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris barnumae from H. Achilles.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris planifolia from H. Achilles.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris persica from H. Achilles.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris nigricans from H. Achilles.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris pamphylica from H. Achilles.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris gatesii from H. Achilles.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris kirkwoodii from H. Achilles.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris wilmottiana from H.Achilles.
    16 June, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris nigricans from H. Achilles.
    10 June, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris petrana from H. Achilles.
    10 June, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris iberica subsp. lycotis from H. Achilles.
    10 June, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris gatesii from H. Achilles.
    06 June, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris latifolia from Ken Walker.
    06 June, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris latifolia from Ken Walker.
    06 June, 2009 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris latifolia.
    05 June, 2009 - Wildwood Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris orientalis.
    05 June, 2009 - Wildwood Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graminea.
    05 June, 2009 - Wildwood Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris spuria.
    05 June, 2009 - Wildwood Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris spuria subsp. carthaliniae.
    05 June, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris gatesii from Jim Kurtz.
    05 June, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from Jim Kurtz.
    05 June, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from Jim Kurtz.
    05 June, 2009 - Telos Rare Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Moraea villosa.
    05 June, 2009 - Telos Rare Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Moraea tripetala.
    05 June, 2009 - Telos Rare Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Moraea polystachya.
    05 June, 2009 - Telos Rare Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Moraea atropunctata.
    05 June, 2009 - Telos Rare Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Moraea aristata.
    05 June, 2009 - Telos Rare Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Cypella peruviana.
    05 June, 2009 - Telos Rare Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Cypella herbertii.
    05 June, 2009 - Telos Rare Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Cypella coelestis.
    05 June, 2009 - Sunlight Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x norrisii.
    05 June, 2009 - Sunlight Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris domestica.
    05 June, 2009 - Sunlight Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    05 June, 2009 - Sunlight Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    05 June, 2009 - Sunlight Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris verna.
    05 June, 2009 - Sunlight Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris fulva.
    05 June, 2009 - Shooting Star Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    05 June, 2009 - Shooting Star Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris fulva.
    05 June, 2009 - Shooting Star Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    05 June, 2009 - Shooting Star Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris cristata.
    05 June, 2009 - Linked Iris setosa var. canadensis to Iris hookeri.
    05 June, 2009 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris setosa var. canadensis.
    05 June, 2009 - Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hookeri.
    05 June, 2009 - Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graminea.
    05 June, 2009 - Prairie Moon Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    05 June, 2009 - Prairie Moon Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    05 June, 2009 - Prairie Moon Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris prismatica.
    05 June, 2009 - Prairie Moon Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium campestre.
    05 June, 2009 - Prairie Moon Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium albidum.
    05 June, 2009 - Prairie Moon Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    05 June, 2009 - Prairie Moon Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris lacustris.
    05 June, 2009 - Prairie Moon Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris fulva.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x robusta.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris cretensis.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris unguicularis.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris prismatica.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris odaesanensis.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris nelsonii.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris laevigata.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris japonica.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris fulva.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris cristata.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Ennealophus euryandrus.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Cypella coelestis.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Calydorea coelestina.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris domestica.
    04 June, 2009 - Plant Delights Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Anomatheca laxa.
    04 June, 2009 - Pine Ridge Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    04 June, 2009 - Pine Ridge Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    04 June, 2009 - Pine Ridge Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris prismatica.
    04 June, 2009 - Pine Ridge Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris nelsonii.
    04 June, 2009 - Pine Ridge Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris giganticaerulea.
    04 June, 2009 - Pine Ridge Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris fulva.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris suaveolens.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris reichenbachii.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris lutescens.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris albicans.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris wilmottiana.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris warleyensis.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris vicaria.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris rosenbachiana.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris planifolia.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris orchioides.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris nicolai.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graeberiana.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris cycloglossa.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris bucharica.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris aucheri.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris petrana.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris paradoxa.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris nigricans.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris mariae.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris kirkwoodii.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris barnumae.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris acutiloba.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris stolonifera.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris korolkowii.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hoogiana.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris winogradowii.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris reticulata.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris histrioides.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris histrio.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris cretensis.
    04 June, 2009 - Paul Christian Rare Plants UK was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris milesii.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris winogradowii.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris wilmottiana.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris warleyensis.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris vicaria.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tenuissima.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tenuis.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tenax.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tectorum.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris stolonifera.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris sintenisii.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris setosa.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris sanguinea.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris purdyi.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris orchioides.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris missouriensis.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris magnifica.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris macrosiphon.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris laevigata.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris korolkowii.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris innominata.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hoogiana.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris histrioides.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris histrio.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hartwegii.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris foetidissima.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris douglasiana.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris domestica.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris collettii.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris chrysophylla.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris chrysographes.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris bucharica.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris bracteata.
    03 June, 2009 - Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris aucheri.
    03 June, 2009 - Zydeco Louisiana Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris giganticaerulea.
    03 June, 2009 - Zydeco Louisiana Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris fulva.
    03 June, 2009 - Odyssey Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris vicaria.
    03 June, 2009 - Odyssey Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris stolonifera.
    03 June, 2009 - Odyssey Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris magnifica.
    03 June, 2009 - Odyssey Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hoogiana.
    03 June, 2009 - Odyssey Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graeberiana.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris orientalis.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graminea.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris cretensis.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris koreana.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris spuria subsp. carthaliniae.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris laevigata.
    03 June, 2009 - Nicholls Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tectorum.
    03 June, 2009 - Naturally Native Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    03 June, 2009 - Naturally Native Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium albidum.
    03 June, 2009 - Naturally Native Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    03 June, 2009 - Munchkin Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graminea.
    03 June, 2009 - Munchkin Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tectorum.
    03 June, 2009 - Munchkin Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris verna.
    03 June, 2009 - Toadshade Wildflower Farm was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris prismatica.
    03 June, 2009 - Toadshade Wildflower Farm was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    03 June, 2009 - Meadowbrook Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    03 June, 2009 - Meadowbrook Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tectorum.
    03 June, 2009 - Meadowbrook Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris antilibanotica from Anonymous.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris antilibanotica from Anonymous. -
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris warleyensis.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris setosa.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris paradoxa.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris korolkowii.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris sprengeri.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hoogiana.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris wilmottiana.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris rosenbachiana.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris orchioides.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris iberica subsp. lycotis from Anonymous.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris magnifica.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graeberiana.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris bucharica.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris aucheri.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris reticulata.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris kolpakowskiana.
    02 June, 2009 - Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris histrioides.
    02 June, 2009 - Lazy S's Farm Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tectorum.
    02 June, 2009 - Lazy S's Farm Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    02 June, 2009 - Lazy S's Farm Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pumila.
    02 June, 2009 - Lazy S's Farm Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    02 June, 2009 - Lazy S's Farm Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    02 June, 2009 - Lazy S's Farm Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Schizostylis coccinea.
    02 June, 2009 - Lazy S's Farm Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris dichotoma.
    02 June, 2009 - Lazy S's Farm Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x norrisii.
    02 June, 2009 - Lazy S's Farm Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris domestica.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris unguicularis.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tenax.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris setosa.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pallida.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris maackii.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris laevigata.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris kemaonensis.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris japonica.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graminea.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris gracilipes.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris foetidissima.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Cypella coelestis.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Schizostylis coccinea.
    02 June, 2009 - Joy Creek Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium striatum.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #22 added for Iris cristata from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #12 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #10 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris cycloglossa from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #28 added for Iris fulva from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris imbricata.
    02 June, 2009 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris imbricata.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris imbricata from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris imbricata from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #19 added for Iris brevicaulis from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - New photo #18 added for Iris brevicaulis from D. Kramb.
    02 June, 2009 - Siberian Iris Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x robusta.
    02 June, 2009 - Siberian Iris Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    02 June, 2009 - Siberian Iris Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    02 June, 2009 - Siberian Iris Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    02 June, 2009 - Siberian Iris Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    31 May, 2009 - New photo #27 added for Iris fulva from D. Kramb.
    31 May, 2009 - New photo #26 added for Iris fulva from D. Kramb.
    31 May, 2009 - New photo #25 added for Iris fulva from D. Kramb.
    31 May, 2009 - New photo #24 added for Iris fulva from D. Kramb.
    31 May, 2009 - New photo #21 added for Iris pseudacorus from D. Kramb.
    31 May, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris speculatrix from D. Kramb.
    31 May, 2009 - New photo #38 added for Iris versicolor from D. Kramb.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x robusta.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris lactea.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris spuria subsp. carthaliniae.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris setosa.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris verna var. smalliana.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris gracilipes.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris lacustris.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x norrisii.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris prismatica.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tridentata.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ruthenica.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris verna.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris odaesanensis.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris minutoaurea.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris koreana.
    30 May, 2009 - Joe Pye Weed's Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    30 May, 2009 - Iris Colorado was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris variegata.
    30 May, 2009 - Iris Colorado was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pumila.
    30 May, 2009 - Iris Colorado was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris aphylla.
    30 May, 2009 - Gardens North was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium montanum.
    30 May, 2009 - Gardens North was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium striatum.
    30 May, 2009 - Gardens North was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    30 May, 2009 - Gardens North was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hookeri.
    30 May, 2009 - Gardens North was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    30 May, 2009 - Gardens North was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris foetidissima.
    30 May, 2009 - Gardens North was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris douglasiana.
    28 May, 2009 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris sprengeri.
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #10 added for Iris prismatica from D. Kramb.
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #18 added for Iris unguicularis from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris schachtii from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #10 added for Iris schachtii from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris schachtii from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris schachtii from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris stenophylla subsp. stenophylla from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris stenophylla subsp. stenophylla from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris sprengeri from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #8 added for Iris sprengeri from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris sprengeri from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris sprengeri from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris sprengeri from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris galatica from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    25 May, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris galatica from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    24 May, 2009 - New photo #17 added for Iris unguicularis from Özgür KOÇAK. -
    24 May, 2009 - Özgür KOÇAK added a new species entry for Iris galatica.
    24 May, 2009 - Patrick O'Connor added Zydeco Louisiana Iris Garden to the Commercial Sources list.
    23 May, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Nemastylis geminiflora from Wilene Smith (without thumbnail).
    22 May, 2009 - Christy Hensler added some new information for Pardanthopsis dichotoma.
    22 May, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Pardanthopsis dichotoma from Christy Hensler.
    22 May, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Pardanthopsis dichotoma from Christy Hensler.
    22 May, 2009 - Christy Hensler added some new information for Pardanthopsis dichotoma.
    21 May, 2009 - Christy Hensler added some new information for Pardanthopsis dichotoma.
    21 May, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Pardanthopsis dichotoma from Christy Hensler.
    21 May, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Pardanthopsis dichotoma from Christy Hensler.
    21 May, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Pardanthopsis dichotoma from Christy Hensler.
    21 May, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Pardanthopsis dichotoma from Christy Hensler.
    21 May, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Pardanthopsis dichotoma from Christy Hensler.
    21 May, 2009 - Linked Pardancanda x norrisii to Iris x norrisii.
    21 May, 2009 - Linked Iris kaempferi to Iris ensata.
    21 May, 2009 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris kaempferi.
    21 May, 2009 - Linked Pardanthopsis dichotoma to Iris dichotoma.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris Haven was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris Haven was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris Haven was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris Haven was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tridentata.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris Haven was added to the Where to buy it list for Neomarica northiana.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris Haven was added to the Where to buy it list for Neomarica gracilis.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris Haven was added to the Where to buy it list for Neomarica caerulea.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris spuria subsp. carthaliniae.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x robusta.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tridentata.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tectorum.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graminea.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris laevigata.
    20 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris anguifuga.
    20 May, 2009 - Impressive Irises was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris germanica.
    20 May, 2009 - Impressive Irises was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris unguicularis.
    20 May, 2009 - Impressive Irises was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris confusa.
    20 May, 2009 - Impressive Irises was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris chrysographes.
    20 May, 2009 - Impressive Irises was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris wilsonii.
    20 May, 2009 - Impressive Irises was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    20 May, 2009 - Impressive Irises was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x robusta.
    20 May, 2009 - Impressive Irises was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    20 May, 2009 - Hildenbrandt's Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris lutescens.
    20 May, 2009 - Hildenbrandt's Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x robusta.
    20 May, 2009 - Hildenbrandt's Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    20 May, 2009 - Hildenbrandt's Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    20 May, 2009 - Hildenbrandt's Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris maackii.
    20 May, 2009 - Hildenbrandt's Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    20 May, 2009 - Hildenbrandt's Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris fulva.
    20 May, 2009 - Hildenbrandt's Iris Garden was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    20 May, 2009 - Heronswood was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Schizostylis coccinea.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Hermodactylus tuberosus.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tenax.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris stolonifera.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris setosa.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pumila.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pallida.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris missouriensis.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hartwegii.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris innominata.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris foetidissima.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris douglasiana.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris chrysophylla.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris chrysographes.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris bracteata.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Anomatheca laxa.
    20 May, 2009 - Fraser's Thimble Farms was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris domestica.
    20 May, 2009 - Ensata Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris laevigata.
    20 May, 2009 - Ensata Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    20 May, 2009 - Ensata Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    20 May, 2009 - Ensata Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    20 May, 2009 - Ensata Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    20 May, 2009 - Elk Mountain Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    20 May, 2009 - Elk Mountain Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris versicolor.
    20 May, 2009 - Elk Mountain Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris verna var. smalliana.
    20 May, 2009 - Elk Mountain Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris sibirica.
    20 May, 2009 - Elk Mountain Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pseudacorus.
    20 May, 2009 - Elk Mountain Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris cristata.
    20 May, 2009 - Added warning about invasiveness for Iris pseudacorus, Iris maackii, etc. in the Where to buy it list.
    20 May, 2009 - Linked Belamcanda chinensis to Iris domestica.
    20 May, 2009 - Elk Mountain Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris domestica.
    18 May, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris graeberiana from Ken Walker.
    17 May, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris wilmottiana from Ken Walker.
    17 May, 2009 - Eartheart Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris sibirica.
    17 May, 2009 - Eartheart Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris nelsonii.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris hexagona.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris giganticaerulea.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris fulva.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris brevicaulis.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Neomarica longifolia.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Neomarica gracilis.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Neomarica caerulea.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris wattii.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris unguicularis.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris missouriensis.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris aphylla.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris domestica.
    17 May, 2009 - Durio Nursery was added to the Where to buy it list for Anomatheca laxa.
    17 May, 2009 - Chapman Iris was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris typhifolia.
    17 May, 2009 - Chapman Iris was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris orientalis.
    17 May, 2009 - Chapman Iris was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris lactea.
    17 May, 2009 - Chapman Iris was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris x robusta.
    17 May, 2009 - Chapman Iris was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graminea.
    17 May, 2009 - Brent and Becky's Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris reticulata.
    17 May, 2009 - Brent and Becky's Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris histrioides.
    17 May, 2009 - Brent and Becky's Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris danfordiae.
    17 May, 2009 - Brent and Becky's Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris bucharica.
    17 May, 2009 - Brent and Becky's Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris bakeriana.
    17 May, 2009 - Brent and Becky's Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Hermodactylus tuberosus.
    17 May, 2009 - Brent and Becky's Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Gladiolus communis.
    17 May, 2009 - Brent and Becky's Bulbs was added to the Where to buy it list for Tigridia pavonia.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris latifolia.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris wattii.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris virginica.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris variegata.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris unguicularis.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris tectorum.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris subbiflora.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris suaveolens.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris spuria.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris sintenisii.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris sibirica.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris setosa.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris sanguinea.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris reichenbachii.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pumila.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris prismatica.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris pallida.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris orientalis.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris spuria subsp. monnieri.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris macrosiphon.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris maackii.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris lutescens.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris longipetala.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris lactea.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris ensata.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris japonica.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris illyrica.
    17 May, 2009 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris illyrica.
    17 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris humilis.
    16 May, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris maackii from Ken Walker.
    16 May, 2009 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris maackii.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris graminea.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris fulva.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris forrestii.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris foetidissima.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris douglasiana.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris cycloglossa.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris cretensis.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris confusa.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris attica.
    16 May, 2009 - Arrowhead Alpines was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris aphylla.
    16 May, 2009 - Iris City Gardens was added to the Where to buy it list for Iris brevicaulis.
    16 May, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris prismatica from Ken Walker.
    07 May, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris flavissima from Kelly D. Norris.
    03 May, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris germanica from Rafael D%C3%ADez Dominguez.
    28 April, 2009 - Kelly D. Norris added some new information for Iris flavissima.
    25 April, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris lortetii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    25 April, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris lortetii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    25 April, 2009 - New photo #4 added for iris stocksii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    25 April, 2009 - New photo #3 added for iris stocksii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    25 April, 2009 - New photo #2 added for iris stocksii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    24 April, 2009 - New photo #1 added for iris stocksii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    24 April, 2009 - New photo #1 added for iris stocksii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    24 April, 2009 - New photo #1 added for iris stocksii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    24 April, 2009 - New photo #1 added for iris stocksii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    24 April, 2009 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for iris stocksii.
    24 April, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris lortetii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    24 April, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris lortetii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    24 April, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris lortetii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    21 April, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris filifolia subsp. filifolia from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    21 April, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris filifolia subsp. filifolia from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    21 April, 2009 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris filifolia subsp. filifolia.
    13 April, 2009 - New photo #14 added for Iris stolonifera from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    11 April, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris x koenigii sosn from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    11 April, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris x koenigii sosn from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    11 April, 2009 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris x koenigii sosn.
    08 April, 2009 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris unguicularis.
    06 April, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris rosenbachiana from Sean Zera.
    06 April, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris bakeriana from Sean Zera.
    06 April, 2009 - Sean Zera added a new species entry for Iris bakeriana.
    05 April, 2009 - New photo #7 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    05 April, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    05 April, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris susiana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    05 April, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris susiana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    05 April, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris susiana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    05 April, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris susiana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    31 March, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris haynei from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    31 March, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris haynei from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    30 March, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris sari from Ken Walker.
    28 March, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Hermodactylus tuberosus from Myhime3@ me.com (without thumbnail).
    26 March, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris pallida subsp. cengialtii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    26 March, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris pallida subsp. cengialtii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    24 March, 2009 - New photo #13 added for Iris bucharica from Ken Walker.
    23 March, 2009 - Martin Hajman added some new information for Iris nusariensis.
    22 March, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris damascena from Ken Walker.
    22 March, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris damascena from Ken Walker.
    21 March, 2009 - Patrick added Zydeco Louisiana Iris Garden to the Commercial Sources list.
    20 March, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris nigricans from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    17 March, 2009 - New photo #6 added for Iris camillae from H. Achilles.
    16 March, 2009 - Harangad Singh added some new information for Iris milesii.
    16 March, 2009 - Harangad Singh added some new information for Iris tectorum.
    14 March, 2009 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris odaesanensis.
    14 March, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris kirkwoodii spp. calcarea from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    12 March, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris attica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    12 March, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris attica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    12 March, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris attica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    12 March, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris attica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    12 March, 2009 - New photo #11 added for Iris attica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    08 March, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris pumila subsp. taurica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    08 March, 2009 - New photo #3 added for Iris pumila subsp. taurica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    28 January, 2009 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris korolkowii.
    28 January, 2009 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris jordana.
    22 January, 2009 - New photo #12 added for Iris sibirica from Sean Zera.
    18 January, 2009 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Calydorea amabilis.
    15 January, 2009 - New photo #2 added for Iris orchioides from Sean Zera.
    14 January, 2009 - New photo #1 added for Iris orchioides from Sean Zera.
    14 January, 2009 - Sean Zera added a new species entry for Iris orchioides.
    14 January, 2009 - New photo #9 added for Iris dichotoma from Sean Zera.
    14 January, 2009 - New photo #4 added for Iris lacustris from Sean Zera.
    11 January, 2009 - bdc@aol.com added Woodlanders to the Commercial Sources list.
    06 January, 2009 - New photo #5 added for Iris camillae from D. Kramb.
    30 December, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris histrio from Rafael Diez Domingez.
    30 December, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris histrio from Rafael Diez Domingez.
    30 December, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris histrio from Rafael Diez Domingez.
    28 December, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Dietes vegeta from Justine Manis.
    28 December, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Dietes vegeta from Justine Manis.
    28 December, 2008 - Justine Manis added a new species entry for Dietes vegeta.
    28 December, 2008 - Justine Manis added some new information for Neomarica gracilis.
    25 December, 2008 - New photo #21 added for Iris cristata from G. Tepper.
    05 December, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Cypella herbertii from Arte Cifuentes.
    30 November, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Hesperoxiphion herrerae from Felipe Orrego (without thumbnail).
    30 November, 2008 - Fixed some bugs that appeared when I added security measures against the spammers. Restored some valid information that was accidentally blocked from the site as a result of those measures.
    30 November, 2008 - G. Tepper added some new information for Iris cristata.
    30 November, 2008 - G. Tepper added some new information for Iris tridentata.
    30 November, 2008 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris haynei.
    30 November, 2008 - Filippo Dimatteo added some new information for Iris sicula.
    30 November, 2008 - Felipe Orrego added some new information for Cypella peruviana.
    30 November, 2008 - Felipe Orrego added a new species entry for Hesperoxiphion herrerae.
    19 November, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Cypella peruviana from Felipe Orrego (without thumbnail).
    08 November, 2008 - New photo #14 added for Iris missouriensis from Ken Walker.
    08 November, 2008 - New photo #13 added for Iris missouriensis from Ken Walker.
    05 November, 2008 - New photo #12 added for Iris paradoxa from Ken Walker.
    03 November, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Hermodactylus tuberosus from Anita Moran.
    02 November, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris planifolia from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    30 October, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris sicula from Filippo Dimatteo (without thumbnail).
    30 October, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris sicula from Filippo Dimatteo (without thumbnail).
    24 October, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Ennealophus euryandrus from D. Kramb.
    24 October, 2008 - New photo #15 added for Iris tridentata from D. Kramb.
    24 October, 2008 - New photo #14 added for Iris tridentata from D. Kramb.
    24 October, 2008 - New photo #13 added for Iris tridentata from D. Kramb.
    24 October, 2008 - New photo #12 added for Iris tridentata from D. Kramb.
    20 October, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Moraea polystachya from Jamie Vande.
    18 October, 2008 - P. Bohnert added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris songarica.
    15 October, 2008 - Vidar Gunnarsen added some new information for Iris setosa.
    11 October, 2008 - I changed web hosting providers yesterday. Everything seems to have transitioned okay, with the exception of Rodney's last photo of Ennealophus euryandrus. Anyway, please let me know if you find anything not working right.
    11 October, 2008 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #2 for Ennealophus euryandrus.
    11 October, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Ennealophus euryandrus from Rodney Barton (without thumbnail).
    07 October, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris sicula from Jeff Myers.
    01 October, 2008 - Filippo Dimatteo added a new species entry for Iris sicula.
    13 September, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris bicapitata from Filippo Dimatteo (without thumbnail).
    13 September, 2008 - Filippo Dimatteo added some new information for Iris bicapitata.
    13 September, 2008 - New photo #10 added for Iris attica from Filippo Dimatteo (without thumbnail).
    13 September, 2008 - New photo #9 added for Iris attica from Filippo Dimatteo (without thumbnail).
    13 September, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Iris aucheri from Filippo Dimatteo (without thumbnail).
    10 September, 2008 - Anonymous added some new information for Babiana scariosa.
    03 September, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris westii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    03 September, 2008 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris westii.
    02 September, 2008 - Removed Tejas Native Bulbs from the Commercial Sources list. This nursery stopped operating several months ago.
    02 September, 2008 - Well we made it 9 years before the spam-bots discovered this website. So now the site is moderated. All new content will be reviewed before it is added. In most cases this will happen within a few hours. Please be patient!
    28 July, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris gatesii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    28 July, 2008 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris gatesii.
    28 July, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris nectarifera subsp. nectarifera from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    28 July, 2008 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris nectarifera subsp. nectarifera.
    26 July, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris kerneriana from D. Kramb.
    26 July, 2008 - New photo #7 added for Iris lazica from D. Kramb for C. Lankow.
    26 July, 2008 - New photo #6 added for Iris lazica from D. Kramb for C. Lankow.
    26 July, 2008 - Anonymous added some new information for Calydorea coelestina.
    26 July, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Calydorea coelestina from D. Kramb.
    26 July, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Ennealophus euryandrus from D. Kramb.
    26 July, 2008 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Ennealophus euryandrus.
    26 July, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris planifolia from D. Kramb.
    17 July, 2008 - New photo #10 added for Iris ruthenica from Ken Walker.
    16 July, 2008 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris wattii.
    11 July, 2008 - Fixed the spelling of Iris aucherii to Iris aucheri.
    07 July, 2008 - Colleen Modra added IMPRESSIVE IRISES to the Commercial Sources list.
    06 July, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris aucheri from Ken Walker.
    06 July, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris aucheri from Ken Walker.
    06 July, 2008 - New photo #25 added for Iris reticulata from Ken Walker.
    06 July, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris aucheri from Ken Walker.
    06 July, 2008 - New photo #19 added for Iris aphylla from Ken Walker.
    15 June, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris acutiloba from H.Achilles.
    15 June, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris variegata var. pontica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    15 June, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris variegata var. pontica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    15 June, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris variegata var. pontica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    15 June, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris variegata var. pontica from Anonymous.
    15 June, 2008 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris variegata var. pontica.
    13 June, 2008 - George Hildenbrandt added Hildenbrandt's Iris Garden to the Commercial Sources list.
    12 June, 2008 - D. Kramb added some new information for Alophia veracruzana.
    11 June, 2008 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris domestica.
    11 June, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris domestica from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    11 June, 2008 - New photo #6 added for Iris chrysographes from Marit Sønstebø, Norway (without thumbnail).
    05 June, 2008 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris x noti.
    04 June, 2008 - H. Achilles added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris sari.
    04 June, 2008 - H. Achilles added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris kirkwoodii spp. calcarea.
    04 June, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris sari from H. Achilles.
    04 June, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris kirkwoodii spp. calcarea from H. Achilles.
    03 June, 2008 - New photo #6 added for Iris x noti from Anonymous.
    03 June, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Iris x noti from Anonymous.
    03 June, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris x noti from Anonymous.
    03 June, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris x noti from Anonymous.
    03 June, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris x noti from Anonymous.
    03 June, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris x noti from Anonymous.
    03 June, 2008 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris x noti.
    01 June, 2008 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris ensata.
    01 June, 2008 - New photo #17 added for Iris brevicaulis from D. Kramb.
    01 June, 2008 - New photo #16 added for Iris brevicaulis from D. Kramb.
    31 May, 2008 - Implemented some cosmetic changes to the site.
    30 May, 2008 - Pavle Cikovac added some new information for Iris orjenii.
    28 May, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Iris iberica subsp. lycotis from Anonymous.
    16 May, 2008 - New photo #11 added for Iris paradoxa from Geir Moen.
    14 May, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris camillae from Wolfgang NScke (without thumbnail).
    14 May, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris camillae from Wolfgang Naecke.
    10 May, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Iris subbiflora from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    10 May, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris subbiflora from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    10 May, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris subbiflora from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    03 May, 2008 - New photo #6 added for Iris douglasiana from Ken Walker.
    03 May, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris macrosiphon from Ken Walker.
    03 May, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris fernaldii from Ken Walker.
    02 May, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Calydorea xiphioides from Hans Achilles.
    22 April, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris sprengeri from Abdullah lafcý.
    18 April, 2008 - Maire added Hudson Homes Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    13 April, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris sari from Hans Achilles.
    13 April, 2008 - New photo #10 added for Iris paradoxa from Hans Achilles.
    13 April, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris sari from Hans Achilles.
    13 April, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris kirkwoodii spp. calcarea from Hans Achilles.
    10 April, 2008 - Leonid Bondarebko added Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden to the Commercial Sources list.
    09 April, 2008 - Diane Whitehead added some new information for Iris foetidissima.
    08 April, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Gladiolus murielae from Ulf Eliasson.
    07 April, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from Hans Achilles.
    31 March, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris iberica subsp. lycotis from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    31 March, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris iberica subsp. lycotis from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    31 March, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris iberica subsp. lycotis from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    30 March, 2008 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #17 for Iris fulva.
    29 March, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Iris afghanica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    29 March, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris afghanica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    29 March, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris afghanica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    25 March, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris orjenii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    25 March, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris orjenii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    25 March, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris orjenii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    25 March, 2008 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris orjenii.
    25 March, 2008 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris lazica.
    24 March, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris purpureobractea from Jeff Myers.
    24 March, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris purpureobractea from Jeff Myers.
    23 March, 2008 - New photo #13 added for Iris stolonifera from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    23 March, 2008 - New photo #12 added for Iris stolonifera from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    23 March, 2008 - New photo #11 added for Iris stolonifera from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    18 March, 2008 - Yuri Pirogov added some new information for Iris glaucescens.
    18 March, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Iris glaucescens from Yuri Pirogov.
    15 March, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Iris korolkowii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    14 March, 2008 - New photo #4 added for Iris korolkowii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    14 March, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris korolkowii from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    08 March, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Iris lineata from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    07 March, 2008 - New photo #3 added for Iris lineata from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    06 March, 2008 - Louise Dias added Hank's Iris Garden to the Commercial Sources list.
    01 March, 2008 - New photo #9 added for Iris paradoxa from Hans Achilles.
    01 March, 2008 - New photo #24 added for Iris reticulata from P. Bohnert.
    14 February, 2008 - New photo #25 added for Iris setosa from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    14 February, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Gladiolus saundersii from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    14 February, 2008 - Anonymous added some new information for Gladiolus saundersii.
    14 February, 2008 - Todd Boland added a new species entry for Gladiolus saundersii.
    14 February, 2008 - New photo #5 added for Belamcanda chinensis from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    14 February, 2008 - New photo #1 added for Neomarica longifolia from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    14 February, 2008 - Todd Boland added a new species entry for Neomarica longifolia.
    10 February, 2008 - New photo #10 added for Iris suaveolens from Hans Achilles.
    03 February, 2008 - Meyer, Hans-Jnrgen ......dr.rer.nat added Bondarenko to the Commercial Sources list.
    22 January, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris nicolai from G. Raschun.
    20 January, 2008 - New photo #2 added for Iris pamphylica from Hans Achilles.
    20 January, 2008 - Hans Achilles added a new species entry for Iris pamphylica .
    06 December, 2007 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris pseudacorus var. mandschurica.
    24 November, 2007 - Ori Fragman-Sapir%2C Jerusalem Botanical Gardens added a new species entry for Iris mesopotamica.
    24 November, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris bostrensis from Ori Fragman Sapir, Jerusalem Botanical Gardens.
    24 November, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris edomensis from Ori Fragman Sapir, Jerusalem Botanical Gardens.
    24 November, 2007 - Ori Fragman-Sapir%2C Jerusalem Botanical Gardens added a new species entry for Iris edomensis.
    24 November, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris histrio from Ori Fragman Sapir, Jerusalem Botanical Gardens.
    24 November, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris lortetii var. lortetii from Ori Fragman Sapir.
    24 November, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris lortetii var. lortetii from Ori Fragman Sapir.
    24 November, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris atrofusca from Ori Fragman Sapir.
    24 November, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris albicans from Ori Fragman Sapir.
    24 November, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris acutiloba from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    24 November, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris petrana from Ori Fragman Sapir (without thumbnail).
    19 November, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris planifolia from Hans Achilles.
    18 November, 2007 - New photo #21 added for Iris reticulata from P. Bohnert.
    18 November, 2007 - P. Bohnert added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris histrioides.
    14 November, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris pseudacorus var. bastardii from Ray Mills.
    14 November, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Moraea tricuspidata.
    14 November, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Moraea bipartita.
    14 November, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Moraea fugax from Anonymous.
    14 November, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Moraea fugax.
    12 November, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris planifolia from Hans Achilles.
    27 October, 2007 - New photo #8 added for Iris forrestii from G. Raschun jun..
    27 October, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris minutoaurea from Gerhard Raschun jun. .
    24 October, 2007 - Anonymous added some new information for Gladiolus scullyi.
    14 October, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris bracteata from Diane Whitehead.
    09 October, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris kemaonensis from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    30 September, 2007 - Stephen Mifsud added some new information for Iris pseudopumila.
    26 September, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Solenomelus pedunculatus from Arte Cifuentes.
    04 September, 2007 - Banan Al Sheikh added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris lortetii subsp. samariae.
    04 September, 2007 - Banan Al Sheikh added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris lortetii.
    04 September, 2007 - New photo #9 added for Iris hoogiana from Fermi de Sousa.
    29 August, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added some new information for Iris nezahatiae.
    28 August, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris cycloglossa from Fermi (without thumbnail).
    27 August, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris iberica subsp. lycotis from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    24 August, 2007 - Ken Walker added Www.rare-dionysien.de to the Commercial Sources list.
    13 August, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris lineata from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    13 August, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris sofarana subsp. kasruwana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    13 August, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris sofarana subsp. kasruwana.
    09 August, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris swensoniana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    09 August, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris swensoniana.
    05 August, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris barnumae from Jim Kurtz.
    02 August, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris nigricans from Rafael D%EDez Dom%EDnguez.
    29 July, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris afghanica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 July, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris damascena from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 July, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris damascena.
    27 July, 2007 - New photo #8 added for Iris paradoxa from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 July, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris bostrensis from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 July, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris bostrensis.
    27 July, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris auranitica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 July, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris auranitica.
    27 July, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris antilibanotica from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 July, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris antilibanotica.
    27 July, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris assadiana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 July, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris assadiana.
    27 July, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris kirkwoodii spp. calcarea from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 July, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris barnumae from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 July, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris acutiloba from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    26 July, 2007 - William Dougherty added SummerChase Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    10 July, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris hookeri from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    10 July, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris hookeri from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    06 July, 2007 - New photo #1 added for from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    26 June, 2007 - New photo #7 added for Iris schachtii from G. Raschun jun..
    26 June, 2007 - New photo #6 added for Iris croatica from G. Raschun jun..
    26 June, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris croatica from G. Raschun jun.
    26 June, 2007 - New photo #11 added for Iris pallida from G. Raschun jun..
    25 June, 2007 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris uniflora.
    10 June, 2007 - Dalton E. Durio added Durio Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    06 June, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris sintenisii subsp. brandzae from Ken Walker.
    06 June, 2007 - New photo #24 added for Iris setosa from Ken Walker.
    06 June, 2007 - New photo #10 added for Iris pallida from Ken Walker.
    05 June, 2007 - New photo #12 added for Iris missouriensis from Ken Walker.
    05 June, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris barbatula from Ken Walker.
    04 June, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris latifolia from P.Bohnert.
    04 June, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris latifolia from P.Bohnert.
    03 June, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris uniflora from Ken Walker.
    03 June, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris uniflora from Ken Walker.
    03 June, 2007 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris uniflora.
    03 June, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris pumila subsp. taurica from Geir Moen.
    02 June, 2007 - New photo #7 added for Iris paradoxa from G.Raschun jun..
    02 June, 2007 - New photo #7 added for Iris reichenbachii from G. Raschun jun..
    02 June, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris babadagica from G. Raschun jun..
    02 June, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris variegata var. reginae from G. Raschun jun..
    30 May, 2007 - New photo #10 added for Iris stolonifera from H. Achilles.
    28 May, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris pumila subsp. taurica from G. Raschun jun. / Austria (without thumbnail).
    26 May, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris crocea from P.Bohnert.
    25 May, 2007 - New photo #6 added for Iris paradoxa from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    18 May, 2007 - Bug fix! Corrected a problem with displaying the correct number of species and number of photos (in the footer) when clicking a link from the "RECENT UPDATES" section.
    18 May, 2007 - New photo #22 added for Iris pumila from P. Bohnert.
    18 May, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris winogradowii from P. Bohnert.
    18 May, 2007 - New photo #8 added for Iris attica from P. Bohnert.
    18 May, 2007 - New photo #9 added for Iris suaveolens from P. Bohnert.
    18 May, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris histrio subsp. histrio from P. Bohnert.
    18 May, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris histrio subsp. histrio from P. Bohnert.
    18 May, 2007 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris verna var. smalliana.
    18 May, 2007 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris verna.
    17 May, 2007 - Bug fix! Corrected a problem related to adding a new species. The new species would appear in the list of species below, but the link was accidentally diverting visitors to Iris attica.
    17 May, 2007 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris verna var. smalliana.
    17 May, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris histrioides from P. Bohnert.
    17 May, 2007 - P. Bohnert added a new species entry for Iris histrio subsp. histrio.
    17 May, 2007 - P. Bohnert added a new species entry for Iris histrio.
    17 May, 2007 - New photo #10 added for Iris germanica from P. Bohnert.
    17 May, 2007 - New photo #10 added for Iris humilis from P. Bohnert.
    17 May, 2007 - New photo #9 added for Iris humilis from P. Bohnert.
    17 May, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from P. Bohnert.
    17 May, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from P. Bohnert.
    16 May, 2007 - Bug fix! Corrected problems with: adding a new species the chromosome count and common names were being switched; the total number of species and total number of photos were not being calculated correctly; and when displaying a photograph the total number of photos was incorrectly displayed as zero (in the footer).
    13 May, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris purdyi from Will Plotner.
    13 May, 2007 - New photo #8 added for Iris suaveolens from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    13 May, 2007 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica.
    13 May, 2007 - New photo #6 added for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica from Ken Walker.
    12 May, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris xanthospuria from Ken Walker.
    12 May, 2007 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris xanthospuria.
    11 May, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris kirkwoodii spp. calcarea from Anonymous.
    11 May, 2007 - H. Achilles added a new species entry for Iris kirkwoodii spp. calcarea.
    11 May, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris kirkwoodii from Hans Achilles.
    11 May, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris mariae from Hans Achilles (without thumbnail).
    08 May, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris junonia from D. Amon.
    29 April, 2007 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris munzii.
    29 April, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris munzii from Kenneth Walker.
    29 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Moraea ramosissima from Ray Mills.
    29 April, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Moraea ramosissima.
    29 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Moraea polyanthos from Ray Mills.
    29 April, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Moraea polyanthos.
    29 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Moraea lurida from Ray Mills.
    29 April, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Moraea lurida.
    29 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Moraea loubseri from Ray Mills.
    29 April, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Moraea loubseri.
    29 April, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Solenomelus pedunculatus from Ray Mills.
    27 April, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Nemastylis geminiflora from D. Kramb.
    27 April, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris tingitana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris tingitana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris tingitana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris tingitana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris tingitana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris tingitana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris tingitana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris tingitana from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris tingitana.
    25 April, 2007 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #18 for Iris cristata.
    25 April, 2007 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris lacustris.
    23 April, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris dolichosiphon subsp. dolichosiphon from Rafael Diez Domfnguez.
    21 April, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris dolichosiphon subsp. dolichosiphon from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    21 April, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris dolichosiphon subsp. dolichosiphon from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    21 April, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris dolichosiphon subsp. dolichosiphon from Rafa Diez Dominguez.
    21 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris dolichosiphon subsp. dolichosiphon from Rafa Diez Dominguez.
    21 April, 2007 - Rafa Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris dolichosiphon subsp. dolichosiphon.
    19 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Moraea debilis from Ray Mills (without thumbnail).
    19 April, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Moraea debilis.
    19 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Moraea bellendenii from Ray Mills (without thumbnail).
    19 April, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Moraea bellendenii.
    19 April, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Moraea atropunctata from Ray Mills (without thumbnail).
    19 April, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Moraea aristata from Ray Mills (without thumbnail).
    19 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris songarica from Ray Mills (without thumbnail).
    19 April, 2007 - Ray Mills added a new species entry for Iris songarica.
    15 April, 2007 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris stolonifera.
    15 April, 2007 - New photo #8 added for Iris hoogiana from Ken Walker.
    15 April, 2007 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris germanica.
    12 April, 2007 - E. Solomon added some new information for Iris lortetii.
    12 April, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris lortetii from E Solomon.
    12 April, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris lortetii from E Solomon.
    12 April, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris fernaldii from Ken Walker.
    09 April, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris lortetii from Banan Al Sheikh (without thumbnail).
    09 April, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris lortetii from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    05 April, 2007 - D. Kramb added Parkdale Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    05 April, 2007 - New photo #7 added for Iris hoogiana from Anita V Moran (without thumbnail).
    30 March, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris pseudopumila from Ken Walker.
    30 March, 2007 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris pseudopumila.
    23 March, 2007 - Jim Kurtz added Janis Ruksans Bulb Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    23 March, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris atropurpurea from David Josef.
    23 March, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris bismarckiana from David Josef (without thumbnail).
    22 March, 2007 - D. Kramb added Naturally Native Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    21 March, 2007 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris pumila.
    20 March, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris rosenbachiana from Jim Kurtz.
    20 March, 2007 - Jim Kurtz added a new species entry for Iris rosenbachiana.
    17 March, 2007 - New photo #7 added for Iris persica from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    17 March, 2007 - New photo #6 added for Iris persica from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    17 March, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris persica from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    17 March, 2007 - New photo #12 added for Iris bucharica from Kenneth Walker.
    08 March, 2007 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris laevigata.
    06 March, 2007 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris laevigata.
    03 March, 2007 - New photo #21 added for Iris pumila from Stacy VanHoorn (without thumbnail).
    24 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Mid-America Garden to the Commercial Sources list.
    20 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Seneca Hill Perennials to the Commercial Sources list.
    19 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added SIGNA Seed Exchange to the Commercial Sources list.
    19 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Nemastylis tenuis.
    19 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added some new information for Nemastylis floridana.
    19 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Nemastylis nuttallii.
    19 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Nemastylis floridana.
    19 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added some new information for Nemastylis geminiflora.
    19 February, 2007 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris x norrisii.
    19 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Pardanthopsis dichotoma.
    19 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris domestica.
    18 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Fraser's Thimble Farms - CANADA to the Commercial Sources list.
    18 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Wrightman Alpines to the Commercial Sources list.
    18 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Paul Christian, Rare Plants - U.K. to the Commercial Sources list.
    18 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Jim & Jenny Archibald Seeds - WALES to the Commercial Sources list.
    18 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    18 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Roslyn Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    18 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Riverview Iris Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    18 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Odyssey Bulbs to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Lazy S'S Farm Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Joy Creek Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added Heronswood to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - Anonymous added M & C Willetts, Rare Bulb Growers (online: BulbMania) to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - Ken Walker added The Iris Gallery (online: All Things Iris) to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - Al Bullock added Gardens North to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Badbear Wildflower Seeds to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Aril Society International to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added New England Wildflower Society to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added North American Rock Garden Society to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Pacific Bulb Society to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Eartheart Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Marvins Organic Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    12 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Nicholls Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    12 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    12 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Meadowbrook Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    12 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Chapman Iris - CANADA to the Commercial Sources list.
    12 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Alan McMurtrie to the Commercial Sources list.
    11 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Iris Haven - AUSTRALIA to the Commercial Sources list.
    11 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Joe Pye Weed's Garden to the Commercial Sources list.
    11 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Wildwood Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    09 February, 2007 - Anonymous added Arrowhead Alpines to the Commercial Sources list.
    09 February, 2007 - Anonymous added Ensata Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    08 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Iris City Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    08 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Munchkin Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    08 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Brent and Becky's Bulbs to the Commercial Sources list.
    08 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Iris Colorado to the Commercial Sources list.
    08 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Plant Delights Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    03 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Pine Ridge Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    03 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Telos Rare Bulbs to the Commercial Sources list.
    03 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Elk Mountain Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    03 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Toadshade Wildflower Farm to the Commercial Sources list.
    03 February, 2007 - D. Kramb added Sunlight Gardens to the Commercial Sources list.
    31 January, 2007 - D. Kramb added Tejas Native Bulbs to the Commercial Sources list.
    20 January, 2007 - D. Kramb added Shooting Star Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    20 January, 2007 - D. Kramb added Prairie Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    20 January, 2007 - D. Kramb added Prairie Moon Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    20 January, 2007 - D. Kramb added Durio Nursery to the Commercial Sources list.
    17 January, 2007 - Sean Zera added some new information for Iris brevicaulis.
    14 January, 2007 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris junonia.
    10 January, 2007 - New photo #8 added for Iris xiphium from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    10 January, 2007 - New photo #7 added for Iris xiphium from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    10 January, 2007 - New photo #6 added for Iris xiphium from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    07 January, 2007 - Lowell Baumunk added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris missouriensis.
    07 January, 2007 - New photo #11 added for Iris lutescens from Lowell Baumunk.
    07 January, 2007 - New photo #10 added for Iris lutescens from Lowell Baumunk.
    07 January, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris junonia from Lowell Baumunk.
    07 January, 2007 - New photo #2 added for Iris imbricata from Lowell Baumunk.
    06 January, 2007 - Horst Tappert added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris lutescens.
    06 January, 2007 - New photo #1 added for Iris bicapitata from Lowell Baumunk.
    06 January, 2007 - Lowell Baumunk added a new species entry for Iris bicapitata.
    06 January, 2007 - New photo #9 added for Iris germanica from Lowell Baumunk.
    06 January, 2007 - New photo #8 added for Iris germanica from Lowell Baumunk.
    06 January, 2007 - New photo #7 added for Iris germanica from Lowell Baumunk.
    06 January, 2007 - New photo #6 added for Iris germanica from Lowell Baumunk.
    06 January, 2007 - New photo #5 added for Iris germanica from Lowell Baumunk.
    06 January, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris furcata from Lowell Baumunk.
    06 January, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added some new information for Iris latifolia.
    06 January, 2007 - Rafael Diez Dominguez added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris lutescens.
    05 January, 2007 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris lutescens.
    05 January, 2007 - H. Miller added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris lutescens.
    03 January, 2007 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris lutescens.
    02 January, 2007 - New photo #9 added for Iris lutescens from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    01 January, 2007 - New photo #4 added for Iris croatica from Lowell Baumunk.
    01 January, 2007 - New photo #3 added for Iris croatica from Lowell Baumunk.
    01 January, 2007 - New photo #18 added for Iris aphylla from Lowell Baumunk.
    01 January, 2007 - New photo #17 added for Iris aphylla from Lowell Baumunk.
    01 January, 2007 - New photo #16 added for Iris aphylla from Lowell Baumunk.
    01 January, 2007 - New photo #15 added for Iris aphylla from Lowell Baumunk.
    26 December, 2006 - Peter Bohnert added a new species entry for Iris latifolia.
    24 November, 2006 - M. Roberge added some new information for photograph #25 for Iris versicolor.
    21 November, 2006 - Rafa Diez Dominguez added some new information for Iris medwedewii fom..
    19 November, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris graeberiana.
    13 November, 2006 - New photo #20 added for Iris reticulata from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    13 November, 2006 - New photo #19 added for Iris reticulata from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    13 November, 2006 - New photo #18 added for Iris reticulata from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    13 November, 2006 - New photo #19 added for Iris magnifica from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    13 November, 2006 - New photo #18 added for Iris magnifica from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    13 November, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Sisyrinchium mucronatum from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    13 November, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Sisyrinchium angustifolium from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    12 November, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris cretensis from Ken Walker.
    12 November, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris medwedewii fom. from Anonymous.
    12 November, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris medwedewii fom. from Sergey.
    12 November, 2006 - Sergey added a new species entry for Iris medwedewii fom..
    04 November, 2006 - Ian and Jocelyn Bell Wanganui N Z added some new information for Iris foetidissima.
    29 October, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Iris tridentata from Ken Walker.
    29 October, 2006 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris tridentata.
    29 October, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Iris tridentata from Ken Walker.
    29 October, 2006 - New photo #9 added for Iris tridentata from Ken Walker.
    29 October, 2006 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris graminea.
    29 October, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris graminea from Ken Walker.
    23 October, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris nicolai.
    14 October, 2006 - New photo #7 added for Iris suaveolens from P. Bohnert.
    08 October, 2006 - New photo #15 added for Pardancanda x norrisii from Jan Dovrt%ECl.
    30 September, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris ventricosa from Ken Walker.
    30 September, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris ventricosa from Ken Walker.
    30 September, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris germanica.
    16 September, 2006 - Ori Fragman-Sapir%2C Jerusalem Botanical Gardens added a new species entry for Iris atrofusca.
    04 September, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris foetidissima.
    04 September, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Cypella herbertii.
    04 September, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Gelasine elongata.
    04 September, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Gelasine elongata from D. Kramb.
    04 September, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Gelasine elongata from D. Kramb.
    04 September, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Gelasine elongata from D. Kramb.
    04 September, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Alophia veracruzana.
    03 September, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Alophia veracruzana.
    03 September, 2006 - New photo #13 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    03 September, 2006 - New photo #12 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    03 September, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    03 September, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    03 September, 2006 - New photo #9 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    03 September, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    03 September, 2006 - New photo #7 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    30 August, 2006 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #11 for Iris reticulata.
    09 August, 2006 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris ruthenica var. nana.
    01 August, 2006 - Charlotte Jacobson added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris ruthenica var. nana.
    29 July, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris pseudoacorus.
    26 July, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris serotina from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    26 July, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris serotina from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    26 July, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris serotina from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    26 July, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris serotina from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    26 July, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris serotina from Rafael Diez Dominguez.
    26 July, 2006 - Rafael D%EDez Dom%EDnguez added a new species entry for Iris serotina.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris spuria subsp. halophila from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris spuria subsp. halophila from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris spuria from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris reichenbachii from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris reichenbachii from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris reichenbachii from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Iris sibirica from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Iris sibirica from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris variegata from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris variegata from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris variegata from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris spuria subsp. halophila from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #14 added for Iris aphylla from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #13 added for Iris aphylla from P.Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris spuria from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Iris orientalis from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #9 added for Iris orientalis from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris orientalis from P. Bohnert.
    23 July, 2006 - New photo #12 added for Iris aphylla from P. Bohnert.
    21 July, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Moraea sisyrinchium.
    18 July, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Sisyrinchium montanum.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Sisyrinchium montanum from Anonymous.
    18 July, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris pseudoacorus.
    18 July, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris pseudoacorus.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris pseudoacorus from Anonymous.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris pseudoacorus from Anonymous.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris pseudoacorus from Anonymous.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris pseudoacorus from Anonymous.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris pseudoacorus from Anonymous.
    18 July, 2006 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris pseudoacorus.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #9 added for Iris pallida from Anonymous.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris pallida subsp. cengialtii from Anonymous.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris pallida subsp. cengialtii from Anonymous.
    18 July, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris pallida subsp. cengialtii from Anonymous.
    06 July, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Neomarica gracilis from Maru.
    06 July, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Neomarica gracilis from Mariano.
    03 July, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Gelasine elongata from D. Kramb.
    03 July, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Gelasine elongata from D. Kramb.
    03 July, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Gelasine elongata from D. Kramb.
    03 July, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Gelasine elongata.
    01 July, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris delavayi from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    01 July, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris hookeri from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    01 July, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris sintenisii from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    24 June, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris ruthenica var. nana from Charlotte Jacobson (without thumbnail).
    19 June, 2006 - New photo #13 added for Iris foetidissima from Rafa Diez Dominguez.
    18 June, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima from D. Kramb for J. Kurtz.
    18 June, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris paradoxa from D. Kramb for J. Kurtz.
    18 June, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Cypella herbertii from D. Kramb (without thumbnail).
    18 June, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Cypella herbertii from D. Kramb (without thumbnail).
    18 June, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Cypella herbertii from D. Kramb (without thumbnail).
    18 June, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Cypella herbertii from D. Kramb (without thumbnail).
    18 June, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Cypella herbertii.
    16 June, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris spuria subsp. carthaliniae from Trudi Davidoff, WinterSown.Org (without thumbnail).
    11 June, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris kemaonensis from Ken Walker.
    11 June, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris kemaonensis from Ken Walker.
    10 June, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris virginica var. shrevei from Sean Zera.
    04 June, 2006 - New photo #9 added for Iris ruthenica from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    28 May, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Sisyrinchium angustifolium from D. Kramb.
    28 May, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Sisyrinchium angustifolium from D. Kramb.
    28 May, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Sisyrinchium angustifolium from D. Kramb.
    27 May, 2006 - P. Bohnert added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris spuria.
    25 May, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris graeberiana from Peter Bohnert.
    25 May, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris graeberiana from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    25 May, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris vicaria from Peter Bohnert.
    25 May, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris vicaria from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    25 May, 2006 - New photo #17 added for Iris reticulata from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    21 May, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris purpureobractea from D. Kramb for J. Clark.
    21 May, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris purpureobractea from D. Kramb for J. Clark.
    10 May, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Sisyrinchium angustifolium from Mark A. Cook (without thumbnail).
    10 May, 2006 - Mark A. Cook added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    10 May, 2006 - New photo #12 added for Iris virginica from Mark A. Cook (without thumbnail).
    09 May, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris sari from Cem Vural.
    09 May, 2006 - Cem Vural added a new species entry for Iris sari.
    07 May, 2006 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris kemaonensis.
    07 May, 2006 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris hookeriana.
    05 May, 2006 - New photo #12 added for Iris foetidissima from Ken Walker.
    03 May, 2006 - Sean Zera added some new information for Hermodactylus tuberosus.
    03 May, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Hermodactylus tuberosus from Sean Zera.
    01 May, 2006 - Rafa Dez added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris schachtii.
    01 May, 2006 - Rafa Diez added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris schachtii.
    01 May, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris schachtii from Cem Vural.
    01 May, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris schachtii from Cem Vural (without thumbnail).
    30 April, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris hollandica.
    29 April, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris darwasica from Rafa Diez Dominguez.
    29 April, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris darwasica from Rafa Diez Dominguez.
    29 April, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris darwasica from Rafa Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris darwasica from Rafa Diez Dominguez.
    27 April, 2006 - Rafa Diez Dominguez added a new species entry for Iris darwasica.
    23 April, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris babadagica from Rafa Diez (without thumbnail).
    23 April, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris babadagica from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    23 April, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris babadagica from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    23 April, 2006 - Rafa Diez added a new species entry for Iris babadagica.
    22 April, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris barnumae from Cindy Rivera (without thumbnail).
    22 April, 2006 - Cindy Rivera added a new species entry for Iris barnumae.
    21 April, 2006 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris sikkimensis.
    20 April, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tridentata.
    19 April, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #8 for Iris fulva.
    19 April, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #7 for Iris fulva.
    13 April, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #3 for Neomarica caerulea.
    12 April, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris alexeenkoi from D. Kramb.
    12 April, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris alexeenkoi.
    11 April, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Moraea tripetala from Ken Walker.
    11 April, 2006 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Moraea tripetala.
    10 April, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris alexeenkoi from D. Kramb.
    10 April, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris alexeenkoi.
    10 April, 2006 - New photo #23 added for Iris fulva from D. Kramb.
    10 April, 2006 - New photo #22 added for Iris fulva from D. Kramb.
    10 April, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris wilmottiana from D. Kramb.
    10 April, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris wilmottiana from D. Kramb.
    10 April, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris wilmottiana.
    10 April, 2006 - New photo #13 added for Iris lactea from D. Kramb.
    10 April, 2006 - New photo #17 added for Iris magnifica from D. Kramb.
    10 April, 2006 - New photo #16 added for Iris magnifica from D. Kramb.
    10 April, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Iris virginica from D. Kramb.
    05 April, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris henryi from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #16 for Iris hexagona.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #23 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #22 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #21 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #20 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #19 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #18 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #17 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #16 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #15 added for Iris magnifica from D. Kramb.
    01 April, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris tridentata from D. Kramb.
    28 March, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris graminea from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    28 March, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris chrysographes from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    28 March, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris bulleyana from Todd Boland (without thumbnail).
    25 March, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Moraea villosa from Ken Walker.
    18 March, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris danfordiae from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    18 March, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris danfordiae from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    18 March, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris histrioides from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    18 March, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris histrioides from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    18 March, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Calydorea alba.
    18 March, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Gladiolus italicus from D. Kramb.
    18 March, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Gladiolus italicus.
    18 March, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris nicolai from D. Kramb.
    17 March, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris nicolai.
    11 March, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris nigricans from Simona liliana kovacs.
    11 March, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris nigricans from Simona liliana kovacs (without thumbnail).
    01 March, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris warleyensis from Ken Walker.
    01 March, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris warleyensis from Ken Walker.
    01 March, 2006 - Ranger added some new information for Isophysis tasmanica.
    01 March, 2006 - Adamcatherine@yahoo.fr added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris collettii.
    01 March, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Isophysis tasmanica from Ranger.
    28 February, 2006 - Christy Hensler added some new information for photograph #12 for Iris versicolor.
    27 February, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris persica from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    27 February, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris persica from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    27 February, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris persica from Peter Bohnert, Germany.
    22 February, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris atropurpurea from Anonymous.
    19 February, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Sisyrinchium striatum from D. Kramb.
    19 February, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Calydorea xiphioides from D. Kramb.
    19 February, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Calydorea xiphioides.
    12 February, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb.
    12 February, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris kolpakowskiana.
    09 February, 2006 - Ulf Eliasson added some new information for Iris histrioides.
    03 February, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris mzchetica.
    03 February, 2006 - Ulf Eliasson added a new species entry for Iris x neumayeri.
    03 February, 2006 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris setosa var. nasuensis.
    03 February, 2006 - Ulf Eliasson added a new species entry for Iris setosa var. hondoensis.
    02 February, 2006 - Ulf Eliasson added some new information for Iris variegata.
    02 February, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris lutescens from Marion.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris confusa from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris humilis from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Alophia silvestris.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Alophia silvestris from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Alophia silvestris from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Alophia silvestris from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Alophia silvestris from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #9 added for Iris tectorum from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris tectorum from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Iris virginica from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris cycloglossa from D. Kramb.
    15 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tridentata.
    15 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris laevigata.
    15 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris sanguinea.
    15 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris japonica.
    15 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris rossii.
    14 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris gracilipes.
    14 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tridentata.
    14 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cycloglossa.
    14 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris narcissiflora.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #15 added for Iris brevicaulis from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #7 added for Iris giganticaerulea from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #37 added for Iris versicolor from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Iris aphylla from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Neomarica northiana.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Neomarica northiana from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Neomarica northiana.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #9 added for Iris virginica from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #20 for Iris pumila.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #20 added for Iris pumila from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #19 added for Iris pumila from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #18 added for Iris pumila from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #20 added for Iris cristata from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Iris foetidissima from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Iris foetidissima from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris setosa var. interior from D. Kramb.
    14 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris setosa var. interior.
    13 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Alophia silvestris.
    13 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Tigridia amatlanensis.
    13 January, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris xiphium.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Rigidella orthantha from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #15 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #14 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #13 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #12 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #9 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Neomarica gracilis from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Neomarica gracilis from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Neomarica gracilis from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Neomarica gracilis.
    08 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris camillae.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #12 added for Iris lactea from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris lactea.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Sisyrinchium exile from D. Kramb.
    08 January, 2006 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium exile.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Schizostylis coccinea from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    08 January, 2006 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Schizostylis coccinea.
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris winogradowii from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris winogradowii from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris winogradowii from CTdric V.W. (without thumbnail).
    08 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris winogradowii from CTdric V.W. (without thumbnail).
    08 January, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris winogradowii.
    04 January, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Sisyrinchium striatum from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    04 January, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Sisyrinchium striatum from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    04 January, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Sisyrinchium striatum.
    04 January, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Sisyrinchium striatum.
    04 January, 2006 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris winogradowii.
    04 January, 2006 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris magnifica.
    04 January, 2006 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris x thompsonii.
    04 January, 2006 - Ulf Eliasson added some new information for Iris typhifolia.
    04 January, 2006 - Ulf Eliasson added some new information for Iris typhifolia.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris spuria from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris spuria from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris virginica from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris sanguinea from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris milesii from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris tenax var. gormanii from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris tenax var. gormanii from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #1 added for Iris tenax var. gormanii from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris tenax var. gormanii.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #8 added for Iris pallida from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Iris missouriensis from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris innominata from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris dykesii from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #7 added for Iris virginica from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris suaveolens from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris henryi from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris lazica from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Iris lactea from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris mzchetica from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #2 added for Iris croatica from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris tenax from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #5 added for Iris tenax from Will Plotner.
    03 January, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris tenax from Will Plotner.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #36 added for Iris versicolor from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #35 added for Iris versicolor from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris verna from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #23 added for Iris setosa from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #22 added for Iris setosa from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #7 added for Iris sanguinea from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Iris missouriensis from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #11 added for Iris laevigata from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #10 added for Iris laevigata from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris graminea from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #7 added for Iris forrestii from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #6 added for Iris forrestii from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    02 January, 2006 - New photo #4 added for Iris chrysographes from D. Kramb for L. Bernler.
    01 January, 2006 - New photo #3 added for Iris tenax from Will Plotner (without thumbnail).
    31 December, 2005 - New photo #16 added for Iris unguicularis from D. Kramb.
    31 December, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris scariosa from D. Kramb.
    31 December, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris virginica var. shrevei from D. Kramb.
    31 December, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris virginica var. shrevei from D. Kramb.
    31 December, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris fulva.
    31 December, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #20 for Iris fulva.
    31 December, 2005 - New photo #21 added for Iris fulva from D. Kramb.
    28 December, 2005 - G. Tepper added some new information for Iris verna.
    28 December, 2005 - G. Tepper added some new information for Iris verna.
    28 December, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris nusariensis.
    28 December, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris nusariensis.
    28 December, 2005 - - New photo #2 added for Iris nusariensis from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    28 December, 2005 - - New photo #1 added for Iris nusariensis from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    28 December, 2005 - added a new species entry for Iris nusariensis.
    23 December, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Rigidella orthantha.
    13 December, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris subbiflora.
    13 December, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris paradoxa.
    13 December, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris paradoxa.
    13 December, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris paradoxa.
    13 December, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris paradoxa.
    11 December, 2005 - - New photo #15 added for Iris unguicularis from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    25 November, 2005 - - New photo #1 added for Iris manchurica from Panayoti Kelaidis (without thumbnail).
    25 November, 2005 - added a new species entry for Iris manchurica.
    14 November, 2005 - - New photo #10 added for Iris lactea from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    14 November, 2005 - - New photo #1 added for Iris ventricosa from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    14 November, 2005 - X.J. Zhang added a new species entry for Iris ventricosa.
    17 October, 2005 - Jhainesoh@aol.com added some new information for Iris foetidissima.
    07 October, 2005 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #7 for Iris humilis.
    04 October, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris hollandica.
    04 October, 2005 - added a new species entry for Iris hollandica.
    02 October, 2005 - New photo #7 added for Iris humilis from Ken Walker.
    02 October, 2005 - New photo #8 added for Iris hexagona from Ken Walker.
    02 October, 2005 - New photo #7 added for Iris hexagona from Ken Walker.
    02 October, 2005 - New photo #7 added for Iris confusa from Ken Walker.
    02 October, 2005 - New photo #6 added for Iris confusa from Ken Walker.
    17 September, 2005 - New photo #7 added for Iris sintenisii from Ken Walker.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #9 added for Iris lactea from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tigridia.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris tigridia from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #14 added for Iris magnifica from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #13 added for Iris magnifica from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #12 added for Iris magnifica from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #11 added for Iris magnifica from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #10 added for Iris magnifica from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #8 added for Iris ruthenica from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #4 added for Iris paradoxa from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Gladiolus communis from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Gladiolus communis from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Gladiolus communis.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #14 added for Iris brevicaulis from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris speculatrix.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris speculatrix from D. Kramb.
    16 September, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Iris speculatrix from D. Kramb.
    15 September, 2005 - New photo #34 added for Iris versicolor from D. Kramb.
    15 September, 2005 - New photo #33 added for Iris versicolor from D. Kramb.
    14 September, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    14 September, 2005 - New photo #4 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    13 September, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #29 for Iris versicolor.
    13 September, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #28 for Iris versicolor.
    12 September, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris xiphium.
    11 September, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris foetidissima.
    11 September, 2005 - New photo #9 added for Iris foetidissima from D. Kramb.
    11 September, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Belamcanda chinensis.
    11 September, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris xiphium.
    01 September, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Iris afghanica from D. Kramb.
    30 August, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Alophia veracruzana from D. Kramb.
    29 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #28 for Iris versicolor.
    29 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #29 for Iris versicolor.
    28 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris orientalis.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #16 added for Iris pseudacorus from H. Datsjuk.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #21 added for Iris setosa from H. Datsjuk.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #9 added for Iris laevigata from H. Datsjuk.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris graminea from H. Datsjuk.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris forrestii from Hellen63.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #4 added for Iris forrestii from H. Datsjuk.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #13 added for Iris ensata from H. Datsjuk.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #12 added for Iris ensata from H.Datsjuk.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #13 added for Iris brevicaulis from H.Datsjuk.
    18 August, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris spuria subsp. halophila from Anonymous.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris sprengeri from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Iris sprengeri from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Iris sprengeri from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris sprengeri.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Gladiolus cardinalis from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Gladiolus cardinalis.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Moraea spathulata from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Moraea spathulata.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Moraea villosa from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Moraea villosa from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Moraea villosa.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Moraea aristata from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Moraea aristata.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Moraea atropunctata from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Moraea atropunctata.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Moraea fergusoniae from D. Kramb.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Moraea fergusoniae.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hookeri.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Freesia marginata.
    07 August, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Tigridia suarezii.
    07 August, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Iris hookeri from D. Kramb.
    06 August, 2005 - New photo #6 added for Iris giganticaerulea from Ken Walker.
    05 August, 2005 - Ricardo added some new information for Iris chrysophylla.
    04 August, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris innominata from Will Plotner.
    04 August, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Iris innominata from Will Plotner.
    04 August, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Iris innominata from Will Plotner.
    23 July, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Cypella coelestis from Ken Walker.
    23 July, 2005 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Cypella coelestis.
    09 June, 2005 - New photo #32 added for Iris versicolor from A.V. Moran.
    09 June, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris chrysographes from A.V. Moran.
    01 June, 2005 - Sean Zera added some new information for Iris lacustris.
    01 June, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris lacustris from Sean Zera.
    01 June, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Iris lacustris from Sean Zera.
    27 May, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris ensata.
    25 May, 2005 - New photo #20 added for Iris fulva from D. Kramb.
    18 May, 2005 - - New photo #6 added for Alophia drummondii from Anonymous (without thumbnail).
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #19 added for Iris cristata from D. Kramb.
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #18 added for Iris cristata from D. Kramb.
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #17 added for Iris cristata from D. Kramb.
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Sisyrinchium angustifolium from D. Kramb.
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Sisyrinchium angustifolium from D. Kramb.
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #9 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb (for B. Klehm).
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #8 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb (for B. Klehm).
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #7 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb (for B. Klehm).
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #6 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb (for B. Klehm).
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb (for B. Klehm).
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #4 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb (for B. Klehm).
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb (for B. Klehm).
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb (for B. Klehm).
    16 May, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Anomatheca laxa from D. Kramb (for B. Klehm).
    03 May, 2005 - New photo #6 added for Iris hoogiana from D. Kramb.
    03 May, 2005 - New photo #10 added for Iris koreana from D. Kramb.
    03 May, 2005 - New photo #12 added for Iris odaesanensis from D. Kramb.
    03 May, 2005 - New photo #11 added for Iris odaesanensis from D. Kramb.
    03 May, 2005 - New photo #10 added for Iris odaesanensis from D. Kramb.
    03 May, 2005 - New photo #9 added for Iris odaesanensis from D. Kramb.
    03 May, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Iris kirkwoodii from D. Kramb.
    03 May, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Iris kirkwoodii from D. Kramb.
    03 May, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris kirkwoodii.
    03 May, 2005 - New photo #4 added for Iris schachtii from D. Kramb.
    26 April, 2005 - New photo #6 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    26 April, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris hexagona from D. Kramb.
    23 April, 2005 - Ken Walker added a new synonym entry for Gynandriris pritzeliana - see Moraea pritzeliana.
    23 April, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Moraea pritzeliana from Ken Walker.
    23 April, 2005 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Moraea pritzeliana.
    23 April, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris confusa from Ken Walker.
    23 April, 2005 - New photo #4 added for Iris confusa from Ken Walker.
    21 April, 2005 - Fixed the new photos for Iris grant-duffii. Not sure why they wouldn't load before.
    19 April, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris paradoxa from Ken Walker.
    18 April, 2005 - New photo #3 added for Iris henryi from D. Kramb.
    18 April, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Iris henryi from D. Kramb.
    18 April, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Iris henryi from D. Kramb.
    18 April, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris henryi.
    18 April, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Iris minutoaurea from D. Kramb.
    18 April, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Iris minutoaurea from D. Kramb.
    18 April, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris minutoaurea.
    17 April, 2005 - New photo #16 added for Iris reticulata from D. Kramb.
    16 April, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris koreana.
    15 April, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris grant duffii from James Packman.
    15 April, 2005 - - New photo #4 added for Iris grant duffii from James Packman (without thumbnail).
    14 April, 2005 - New photo #9 added for Iris koreana from D. Kramb.
    14 April, 2005 - New photo #8 added for Iris koreana from D. Kramb.
    14 April, 2005 - New photo #7 added for Iris koreana from D. Kramb.
    14 April, 2005 - New photo #6 added for Iris koreana from D. Kramb.
    14 April, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris koreana from D. Kramb.
    12 April, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Sisyrinchium angustifolium from D. Kramb.
    03 April, 2005 - - New photo #2 added for Iris haynei from Eddie Solomon (without thumbnail).
    03 April, 2005 - - New photo #1 added for Iris haynei from E. solomon (without thumbnail).
    03 April, 2005 - E. Solomon added a new species entry for Iris haynei.
    31 March, 2005 - New photo #6 added for Iris humilis from Ken Walker.
    31 March, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris humilis from Ken Walker.
    28 March, 2005 - New photo #2 added for Iris typhifolia from D. Kramb.
    28 March, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Iris typhifolia from D. Kramb.
    28 March, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris typhifolia.
    28 March, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Sisyrinchium campestre from D. Kramb.
    28 March, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium campestre.
    28 March, 2005 - New photo #4 added for Iris germanica from D. Kramb.
    28 March, 2005 - New photo #1 added for Iris ludwigii from D. Kramb.
    28 March, 2005 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris ludwigii.
    24 March, 2005 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris reichenbachii.
    07 March, 2005 - D. Kramb added some new information for Tigridia pavonia.
    19 February, 2005 - New photo #15 added for Iris reticulata from D. Kramb.
    19 February, 2005 - New photo #14 added for Iris reticulata from D. Kramb.
    06 February, 2005 - New photo #5 added for Iris milesii from C. Lankow.
    06 February, 2005 - New photo #4 added for Iris milesii from C. Lankow.
    05 February, 2005 - L. Hirsbrunner added photograph #31 for Iris versicolor.
    05 February, 2005 - L. Hirsbrunner added photograph #11 for Iris ensata.
    05 February, 2005 - L. Hirsbrunner added photograph #10 for Iris ensata.
    05 February, 2005 - L. Hirsbrunner added photograph #16 for Iris cristata.
    05 February, 2005 - C. Lankow added photograph #7 for Iris gracilipes.
    05 February, 2005 - C. Lankow added photograph #6 for Iris gracilipes.
    05 February, 2005 - C. Lankow added photograph #5 for Iris gracilipes.
    04 February, 2005 - Banketov Sergey Anatolevich e mail: ras selu@yandex.ru added photograph #2 for Iris scariosa.
    27 January, 2005 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #8 for Iris collettii.
    27 January, 2005 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #7 for Iris collettii.
    27 January, 2005 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris collettii.
    27 January, 2005 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris collettii.
    27 January, 2005 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris collettii.
    27 January, 2005 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris collettii.
    08 January, 2005 - Anonymous added photograph #1 for Iris persica (without thumbnail).
    08 January, 2005 - Tim Loe added a new species entry for Iris persica.
    08 January, 2005 - Ken Walker added photograph #7 for Iris tectorum.
    08 January, 2005 - Ken Walker added photograph #6 for Iris tectorum.
    02 January, 2005 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Tigridia pavonia.
    02 January, 2005 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Iris dichotoma.
    02 January, 2005 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris dichotoma.
    29 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #15 for Iris cristata.
    28 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #14 for Iris cristata.
    28 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris tridentata.
    26 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Iris foetidissima.
    25 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris taochia.
    25 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris taochia.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Tigridia pavonia.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Rigidella orthantha.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris iberica.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris sanguinea.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris sanguinea.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris sintenisii.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #14 for Iris unguicularis.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #13 for Iris unguicularis.
    19 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #11 for Iris unguicularis.
    16 December, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Tigridia pavonia.
    14 December, 2004 - J. FIOL added a new synonym entry for Iris latifolia - see Calcadonica latifolia.
    12 December, 2004 - Kenneth Walker added photograph #6 for Iris virginica.
    12 December, 2004 - Kenneth Walker added photograph #30 for Iris versicolor.
    06 December, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #7 for Iris japonica.
    06 December, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #2 for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica.
    29 November, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Rigidella orthantha.
    28 November, 2004 - Anonymous added some new information for Hermodactylus tuberosus.
    27 November, 2004 - Juri Pirogov added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris spuria subsp. halophila.
    27 November, 2004 - Robin May Wride added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris histrioides.
    14 November, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #6 for Iris longipetala.
    12 November, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris koreana.
    12 November, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris koreana.
    12 November, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris koreana.
    12 November, 2004 - Obtained 400Mb extra disk space from the web hosting provider for free! It should be impossible to run out of room now.
    07 November, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris hexagona.
    07 November, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris mzchetica.
    07 November, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris hexagona.
    07 November, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #8 for Iris collettii.
    07 November, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #7 for Iris collettii.
    07 November, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris mzchetica.
    07 November, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #2 for Iris mzchetica.
    06 November, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris spuria subsp. monnieri.
    12 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tridentata.
    12 October, 2004 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris pseudacorus.
    12 October, 2004 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris variegata.
    12 October, 2004 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris variegata.
    12 October, 2004 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris susiana.
    10 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris unguicularis.
    10 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tridentata.
    10 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris timofejewii.
    10 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tigridia.
    10 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tenuissima.
    10 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tenuis.
    03 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tenax.
    03 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tectorum.
    03 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris taochia.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris susiana.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris subbiflora var. lisbonensis.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris subbiflora.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris suaveolens.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris stolonifera.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris stenophylla var. alisonii.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris stenophylla subsp. stenophylla.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris spuria subsp. musulmanica.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris spuria subsp. halophila.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris spuria subsp. carthaliniae.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris spuria.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris speculatrix.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris sintenisii subsp. brandzae.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris sintenisii.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris sikkimensis.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris sibirica.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris setosa.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris scariosa.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris sanguinea.
    02 October, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris sabina.
    02 October, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris longipetala.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris ruthenica var. nana.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris ruthenica var. brevituba.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris ruthenica.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris revoluta.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris reticulata.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris reichenbachii.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris purdyi.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris pumila subsp. taurica.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris pumila.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris pseudacorus var. mandschurica.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris pseudacorus var. bastardii.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris pseudacorus.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris prismatica var. austrina.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris prismatica var. austrina.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris prismatica.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris potaninii var. ionantha.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris potaninii.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris petrana.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris paradoxa.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris pallida subsp. cengialtii.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris pallida.
    30 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris odaesanensis.
    29 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris nigricans.
    29 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris bismarckiana.
    29 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris nazarena.
    29 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris munzii.
    29 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris missouriensis.
    29 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris milesii.
    29 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris meda.
    29 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris marsica.
    29 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris mariae.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris lutescens.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris lortetii.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris lortetii var. lortetii.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris lortetii subsp. samariae.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris longipetala.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris lineata.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris lazica.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris laevigata.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris lacustris.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris lactea var. chrysantha.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris lactea.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris lactea var. chinensis.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris kuschakewiczii.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris korolkowii.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris koreana.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris kolpakowskiana.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris kashmiriana.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris junonia.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris jordana.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris japonica.
    25 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris innominata.
    23 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #12 for Iris versicolor.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris imbricata.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris iberica subsp. lycotis.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris iberica.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris humilis.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hookeri.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hoogiana.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris histrioides var. sophensis.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris histrioides.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris heylandiana.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hexagona.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hermona.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris graminea var. pseudocyperus.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris graminea var. achtaroffii.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hartwegii susbp. australis.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris hartwegii subsp. pinetorum.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris hartwegii subsp. columbiana.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris hartwegii susbp. australis.
    21 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hartwegii.
    20 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris grossheimi.
    20 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris grant duffii.
    20 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris graminea.
    20 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris graminea.
    20 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris graeberiana.
    20 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris gracilipes.
    20 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris glaucescens.
    20 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris giganticaerulea.
    18 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris fulva.
    18 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris forrestii.
    18 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris foetidissima.
    18 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris fernaldii.
    18 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris ensata.
    18 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris dykesii.
    17 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris douglasiana.
    17 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris dichotoma.
    17 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris delavayi.
    17 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris decora.
    17 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris danfordiae.
    17 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris daliensis.
    15 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cypriana.
    15 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cycloglossa.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris crocea.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cristata.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris confusa.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris collettii.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris chrysophylla.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris chrysographes.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris camillae.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris bulleyana.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris brevicaulis.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris bracteata.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris bloudowii.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris bismarckiana.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris biglumis.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris atropurpurea.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris aphylla.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris anguifuga.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris aucheri.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris attica.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris albertii.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris afghanica.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris acutiloba.
    14 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris brevicaulis.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris staintonii.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris staintonii.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris grant duffii.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris grant duffii.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Bobartia gladiata.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Babiana virginea.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Babiana spathacea.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Babiana scariosa.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Anomatheca grandiflora.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Anomatheca viridis.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Anomatheca laxa.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new synonym entry for Juno warleyensis - see Iris warleyensis.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris warleyensis.
    06 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris daliensis.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cypriana.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cypriana.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cypriana.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cypriana.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cypriana.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris cypriana.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris timofejewii.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris taochia.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris schachtii.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris glaucescens.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris scariosa.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris scariosa.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris setina.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris revoluta.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris marsica.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris purpureobractea.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris perrieri.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris junonia.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris imbricata.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris furcata.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris croatica.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris albicans.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris albertii.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris virginica.
    05 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #19 for Iris fulva.
    04 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #11 for Iris fulva.
    01 September, 2004 - Fred bonthuis added some new information for photograph #11 for Iris fulva.
    01 September, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris x robusta.
    31 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris virginica.
    31 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    31 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    31 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #29 for Iris versicolor.
    31 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #28 for Iris versicolor.
    31 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris versicolor.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #9 for Iris missouriensis.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris gracilipes.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #20 for Iris setosa.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #19 for Iris setosa.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Sisyrinchium striatum.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium striatum.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #27 for Iris versicolor.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Calydorea coelestina.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Calydorea coelestina.
    29 August, 2004 - D%2C Kramb added a new species entry for Calydorea coelestina.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #9 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris verna.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #12 for Iris brevicaulis.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #10 for Iris nelsonii.
    29 August, 2004 - D, Kramb added photograph #9 for Iris nelsonii.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #17 for Iris pumila.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #16 for Iris pumila.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #15 for Iris pumila.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Iris missouriensis.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris ruthenica.
    29 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris foetidissima.
    28 August, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #26 for Iris versicolor.
    25 August, 2004 - Frank Hoehnel added photograph #9 for Iris sibirica (without thumbnail).
    25 August, 2004 - Frank Hoehnel added some new information for photograph #8 for Iris sibirica.
    30 July, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris wattii.
    16 July, 2004 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris susiana.
    16 July, 2004 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris spuria.
    11 July, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris tectorum.
    11 July, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #5 for Iris tectorum.
    11 July, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris tectorum.
    11 July, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris verna.
    11 July, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris verna.
    11 July, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris verna.
    07 July, 2004 - Rodney Barton added photograph #5 for Iris giganticaerulea (without thumbnail).
    15 June, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #8 for Iris sibirica.
    15 June, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #11 for Iris brevicaulis.
    14 June, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #1 for Iris mzchetica.
    14 June, 2004 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris mzchetica.
    13 June, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris pseudacorus.
    13 June, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #11 for Iris brevicaulis.
    07 June, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris kashmiriana.
    07 June, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #8 for Iris prismatica.
    04 June, 2004 - Marion LENNOZ added photograph #8 for Iris prismatica.
    04 June, 2004 - Marion LENNOZ added photograph #8 for Iris prismatica.
    02 June, 2004 - Marion LENNOZ added photograph #15 for Iris pseudacorus.
    02 June, 2004 - J. Huber added photograph #8 for Iris sibirica (without thumbnail).
    28 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #10 for Iris brevicaulis.
    28 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #9 for Iris brevicaulis.
    28 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Iris brevicaulis.
    28 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris brevicaulis.
    25 May, 2004 - Sean Zera added photograph #1 for Iris lacustris (without thumbnail).
    16 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris fulva.
    09 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium atlanticum.
    09 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium angustifolium.
    09 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium montanum.
    09 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris versicolor.
    09 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris versicolor.
    09 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris versicolor.
    09 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris versicolor.
    09 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris lacustris.
    09 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium mucronatum.
    08 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Sisyrinchium albidum.
    08 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris versicolor.
    07 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #25 for Iris versicolor.
    07 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #24 for Iris versicolor.
    07 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    07 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #18 for Iris fulva.
    07 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris x fulvala.
    07 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris x fulvala.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #9 for Iris ensata.
    06 May, 2004 - D. kramb added photograph #7 for Iris attica.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris attica.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #13 for Iris reticulata.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris x robusta.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris x robusta.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #23 for Iris versicolor.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #22 for Iris versicolor.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #21 for Iris versicolor.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #20 for Iris versicolor.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #19 for Iris versicolor.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #18 for Iris versicolor.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #17 for Iris versicolor.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #16 for Iris versicolor.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #15 for Iris versicolor.
    06 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #14 for Iris versicolor.
    05 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #14 for Iris pseudacorus.
    05 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris virginica.
    05 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #13 for Iris versicolor.
    05 May, 2004 - Marion LENNOZ added photograph #5 for Iris suaveolens.
    05 May, 2004 - Marion LENNOZ added photograph #4 for Iris suaveolens.
    01 May, 2004 - Added a chromosome count sub-category to the database.
    01 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new synonym entry for Hesperoxiphion peruvianum - see Cypella peruviana.
    01 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #17 for Iris fulva.
    01 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #17 for Iris fulva.
    01 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris attica.
    01 May, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Iris nelsonii (without thumbnail).
    29 April, 2004 - Tom Silvers added photograph #1 for Iris perrieri (without thumbnail).
    29 April, 2004 - Tom Silvers added a new species entry for Iris perrieri.
    28 April, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #1 for Iris stenophylla (without thumbnail).
    28 April, 2004 - J. McGary added a new species entry for Iris stenophylla.
    28 April, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #2 for Iris paradoxa (without thumbnail).
    28 April, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #1 for Iris graeberiana (without thumbnail).
    28 April, 2004 - J. McGary added a new species entry for Iris graeberiana.
    28 April, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #1 for Iris kuschakewiczii (without thumbnail).
    28 April, 2004 - Jane McGary added a new species entry for Iris kuschakewiczii.
    28 April, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #4 for Iris lazica (without thumbnail).
    28 April, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #2 for Iris subbiflora (without thumbnail).
    28 April, 2004 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #2 for Moraea sisyrinchium.
    28 April, 2004 - J.Vande added photograph #2 for Moraea sisyrinchium.
    28 April, 2004 - J.Vande added a new synonym entry for Gymnandriris sisyrinchium - see Moraea sisyrinchium.
    28 April, 2004 - J.Vande added photograph #1 for Moraea sisyrinchium.
    28 April, 2004 - Jamie Vande added a new species entry for Moraea sisyrinchium.
    28 April, 2004 - J.Vande added photograph #18 for Iris setosa.
    28 April, 2004 - J.Vande added photograph #7 for Iris sibirica.
    28 April, 2004 - J.Vande added photograph #8 for Iris ensata.
    28 April, 2004 - J. Vande added photograph #7 for Iris ensata (without thumbnail).
    26 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris munzii.
    26 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris munzii.
    26 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #2 for Iris munzii.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Cypella peruviana.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new synonym entry for Iris chamaeiris - see Iris lutescens.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Cypella peruviana.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Cypella peruviana.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris giganticaerulea.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris reichenbachii.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Nemastylis geminiflora.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Nemastylis geminiflora.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris brevicaulis.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris nelsonii.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris giganticaerulea.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris giganticaerulea.
    24 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris nelsonii.
    22 April, 2004 - Added a new 'Statistics' feature page so you can track the details of which iris species are most popular to all the visitors here.
    20 April, 2004 - Marion LENNOZ added photograph #7 for Iris lutescens.
    20 April, 2004 - Marion LENNOZ added photograph #6 for Iris lutescens.
    20 April, 2004 - Marion LENNOZ added photograph #5 for Iris lutescens (without thumbnail).
    19 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Tigridia pavonia.
    15 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #2 for Iris spuria subsp. halophila.
    15 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #1 for Iris spuria subsp. halophila.
    15 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris spuria subsp. halophila.
    11 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #5 for Iris hoogiana.
    11 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #1 for Iris bracteata.
    11 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #1 for Iris tenuissima.
    09 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris cretensis.
    09 April, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #11 for Iris bucharica.
    08 April, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #12 for Iris unguicularis.
    08 April, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #1 for Iris wilsonii..
    08 April, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #1 for Iris dykesii.
    08 April, 2004 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris wilsonii..
    08 April, 2004 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris dykesii.
    08 April, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #3 for Iris forrestii.
    08 April, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #2 for Iris delavayi.
    08 April, 2004 - Anonymous added photograph #3 for Iris bulleyana.
    07 April, 2004 - Ammar Khammash added a new species entry for Iris petrana.
    07 April, 2004 - Ammar Khammash added a new species entry for Iris nigricans.
    07 April, 2004 - M Sadder added photograph #2 for Iris bismarckiana (without thumbnail).
    07 April, 2004 - M Sadder added photograph #1 for Iris bismarckiana (without thumbnail).
    07 April, 2004 - M. Sadder added a new species entry for Iris bismarckiana.
    28 March, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris munzii.
    28 March, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #1 for Iris munzii.
    25 March, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #4 for Iris albicans.
    25 March, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #4 for Iris albicans.
    22 March, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #2 for Iris biglumis.
    17 March, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #8 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    17 March, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #7 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    17 March, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #6 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    17 March, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #5 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    17 March, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #4 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    17 March, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #3 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    17 March, 2004 - C. Hensler added photograph #2 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    17 March, 2004 - Fixed some bugs with adding new photos.
    07 March, 2004 - Modified the layout of the website to eliminate the complex frames and tables which did not display properly on older computers and web browsers. The new streamlined format should also allow pages to load more quickly as well.
    01 March, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #12 for Iris reticulata.
    28 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #14 for Iris setosa.
    25 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #2 for Iris spuria subsp. monnieri.
    25 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #5 for Iris sintenisii.
    25 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #6 for Iris sibirica.
    24 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #17 for Iris setosa.
    24 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #4 for Iris sanguinea.
    24 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #7 for Iris pallida.
    24 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #7 for Iris orientalis.
    24 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #7 for Iris orientalis.
    24 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #7 for Iris missouriensis.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #8 for Iris laevigata.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #2 for Iris hartwegii.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #2 for Iris graminea.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #16 for Iris fulva.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #2 for Iris flavissima.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #6 for Iris ensata.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #13 for Iris cristata.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #4 for Iris crocea.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #6 for Iris collettii.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #2 for Iris chrysographes.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #2 for Iris bulleyana.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #8 for Iris lactea.
    23 February, 2004 - Bill Burleson added photograph #2 for Iris biglumis (without thumbnail).
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris korolkowii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris lineata.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris lineata.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris variegata.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris variegata.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris variegata.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris timofejewii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris timofejewii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris tigridia.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris subbiflora.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris subbiflora.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris suaveolens.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris speculatrix.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris speculatrix.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris schachtii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris sabina.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris sabina.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris reichenbachii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new synonym entry for Iris reginae - see Iris variegata var reginae.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris variegata var. reginae.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #14 for Iris pumila.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris potaninii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris pallida.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris marsica.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris marsica.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris junonia.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris imbricata.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris imbricata.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris forrestii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris flavissima.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris flavissima.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris croatica.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris croatica.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris bloudowii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris attica.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris albertii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris albertii.
    14 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris cretensis.
    12 February, 2004 - Will Plotner added photograph #2 for Iris danfordiae (without thumbnail).
    12 February, 2004 - Will Plotner added some new information for Iris danfordiae.
    09 February, 2004 - Cindy Rivera added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris attica.
    09 February, 2004 - Cindy Rivera added some new information for Iris attica.
    07 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris acutiloba.
    07 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris acutiloba.
    07 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris iberica.
    07 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris iberica.
    07 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #9 for Iris stolonifera.
    07 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Iris stolonifera.
    07 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris stolonifera.
    07 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris jordana.
    07 February, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris jordana.
    07 February, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #12 for Iris unguicularis.
    06 February, 2004 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris missouriensis.
    21 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Orthrosanthus chimboracensis.
    21 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Isophysis tasmanica.
    20 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Alophia veracruzana.
    19 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris x robusta.
    19 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris x vinicolor.
    19 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris x vinicolor.
    19 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new synonym entry for Iris vinicolor - see Iris x vinicolor.
    19 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris x vinicolor.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Alophia veracruzana.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Alophia veracruzana.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #15 for Iris fulva.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #14 for Iris fulva.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris brevicaulis.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris brevicaulis.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris brevicaulis.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris brevicaulis.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris tridentata.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris tridentata.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Alophia drummondii.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #16 for Iris setosa.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Tigridia pavonia.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Tigridia pavonia.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Tigridia pavonia.
    18 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Tigridia pavonia.
    16 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Neomarica caerulea.
    16 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris koreana.
    16 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris koreana.
    15 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Solenomelus pedunculatus.
    14 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Diplarrhena latifolia.
    13 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Rigidella orthantha.
    10 January, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #2 for Iris fernaldii.
    10 January, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #5 for Iris douglasiana.
    10 January, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris douglasiana.
    10 January, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris douglasiana.
    10 January, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #2 for Iris douglasiana.
    10 January, 2004 - Ken Walker added photograph #7 for Iris laevigata.
    10 January, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris germanica.
    10 January, 2004 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris lutescens.
    06 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris munzii.
    06 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new synonym entry for Iris gormanii - see Iris tenax.
    06 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tenax.
    06 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hartwegii.
    06 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hartwegii.
    06 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris tenuissima.
    05 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris chrysophylla.
    05 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris purdyi.
    05 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris fernaldii.
    05 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris macrosiphon.
    05 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris innominata.
    05 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris bracteata.
    02 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris douglasiana.
    01 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris nelsonii.
    01 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris giganticaerulea.
    01 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris giganticaerulea.
    01 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hexagona.
    01 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris fulva.
    01 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris brevicaulis.
    01 January, 2004 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Trimezia martinicensis.
    27 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris chrysographes.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris camillae.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris camillae.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris bulleyana.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris brevicaulis.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris bloudowii.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris barbatula.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris aucheri.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris atropurpurea.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris atropurpurea.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris aphylla.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris albicans.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Solenomelus pedunculatus.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Solenomelus pedunculatus.
    26 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Solenomelus pedunculatus.
    15 December, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris setosa.
    15 December, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris setosa.
    14 December, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris setosa.
    14 December, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #11 for Iris unguicularis.
    14 December, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #10 for Iris unguicularis.
    13 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris brevicaulis.
    13 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris nelsonii.
    06 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris bloudowii.
    06 December, 2003 - K. Covert added a new species entry for Iris brevicaulis.
    06 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #14 for Pardancanda x norrisii.
    06 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #13 for Pardancanda x norrisii.
    06 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #12 for Pardancanda x norrisii.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #11 for Pardancanda x norrisii.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #10 for Pardancanda x norrisii.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #9 for Pardancanda x norrisii.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Pardancanda x norrisii.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #13 for Iris pumila.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #12 for Iris pumila.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #11 for Iris pumila.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #10 for Iris pumila.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #9 for Iris pumila.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Iris pumila.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris stolonifera.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris tigridia.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris hookeri.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris hookeri.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris sintenisii.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris milesii.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris variegata var. reginae.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris anguifuga.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris anguifuga.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris anguifuga.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris anguifuga.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris laevigata.
    05 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Neomarica caerulea.
    04 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris paradoxa.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris paradoxa.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris paradoxa.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris nazarena.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris meda.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris nazarena.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris nazarena.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris meda.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris meda.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris heylandiana.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris heylandiana.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris grossheimi.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris grossheimi.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris camillae.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris camillae.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #10 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #8 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #7 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #6 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #4 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #10 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #9 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris aphylla.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris aphylla.
    04 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris furcata.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Moraea polystachya.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Moraea polystachya.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris variegata var. reginae.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris variegata var. reginae.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris variegata var. reginae.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris furcata.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris furcata.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris furcata.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris bloudowii.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris bloudowii.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris bloudowii.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris grant duffii.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris grant duffii.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris grant duffii.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris hermona.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris grant duffii.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris hermona.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris hermona.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris hermona.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris hermona.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris hermona.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris hermona.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris cycloglossa.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris albicans.
    03 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris albicans.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris cretensis.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #12 for Iris cristata.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris foetidissima.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris humilis.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #8 for Iris odaesanensis.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris odaesanensis.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris pumila.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris pumila.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris pumila.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris cycloglossa.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris cycloglossa.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris cycloglossa.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris schachtii.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris schachtii.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris schachtii.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris schachtii.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #13 for Iris fulva.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris albicans.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris albicans.
    01 December, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #12 for Iris fulva.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris odaesanensis.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris odaesanensis.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris odaesanensis.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris danfordiae.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris danfordiae.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris biglumis.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris biglumis.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris biglumis.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #7 for Iris lactea.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #7 for Iris lactea.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris bloudowii.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris bloudowii.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris bloudowii.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris potaninii.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris potaninii.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris tigridia.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris humilis.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris tigridia.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris scariosa.
    30 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris scariosa.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #15 for Iris setosa.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris hexagona.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris cretensis.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris cretensis.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris laevigata.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris virginica.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #11 for Iris cristata.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris virginica var. shrevei.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #14 for Iris setosa.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #6 for Iris japonica.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #11 for Iris fulva.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #13 for Iris setosa.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris cretensis.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris cretensis.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Belamcanda chinensis.
    29 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Belamcanda chinensis.
    24 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris ivanovae.
    24 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #3 for Iris ivanovae.
    24 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris potaninii.
    24 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris potaninii.
    24 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris potaninii.
    24 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris sibirica.
    24 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris sibirica.
    24 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris ivanovae.
    24 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris ivanovae.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #5 for Iris decora.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris decora.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris vicaria.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris vicaria.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris magnifica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #9 for Iris magnifica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #10 for Iris bucharica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris ensata.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #5 for Iris sibirica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris sibirica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris hoogiana.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris hoogiana.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #5 for Iris stolonifera.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris stolonifera.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris stolonifera.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris decora.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #2 for Iris decora.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #9 for Iris unguicularis.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #9 for Iris unguicularis.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #8 for Iris unguicularis.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #7 for Iris unguicularis.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for Iris unguicularis.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #6 for Iris ruthenica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris sibirica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added some new information for photograph #1 for Iris prismatica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #7 for Iris prismatica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #1 for Iris hexagona.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris hexagona.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #3 for Iris germanica.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #1 for Iris junonia.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added a new species entry for Iris junonia.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #5 for Iris pallida.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris pallida.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #4 for Iris lutescens.
    23 November, 2003 - Ken Walker added photograph #2 for Iris humilis.
    20 November, 2003 - Yu. Pirogov added some new information for Iris pumila.
    20 November, 2003 - Yu. Pirogov added some new information for Iris ivanovae.
    20 November, 2003 - Yu. Pirogov added some new information for Iris ivanovae.
    20 November, 2003 - Yu. Pirogov added some new information for Iris humilis.
    20 November, 2003 - Yu.Pirogov added some new information for Iris humilis.
    20 November, 2003 - Yu.Pirogov added some new information for Iris aphylla.
    20 November, 2003 - Yu.Pirogov added some new information for Iris aphylla.
    19 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #5 for Iris odaesanensis.
    19 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #4 for Iris odaesanensis.
    19 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #3 for Iris odaesanensis.
    19 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #2 for Iris odaesanensis.
    19 November, 2003 - Oneofcultivars@aol.com added some new information for photograph #2 for Iris ivanovae.
    19 November, 2003 - Anonymous added photograph #2 for Iris ivanovae (without thumbnail).
    17 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added photograph #1 for Iris odaesanensis.
    17 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new synonym entry for Iris aurea - see Iris crocea.
    17 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added some new information for Iris tectorum.
    17 November, 2003 - Edmundas Kondratas added photograph #5 for Iris ruthenica.
    17 November, 2003 - Edmundas Kondratas added some new information for Iris tectorum.
    17 November, 2003 - Edmundas Kondratas added photograph #3 for Iris tectorum.
    17 November, 2003 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #13 for Iris pseudacorus.
    17 November, 2003 - Edmundas Kondratas added photograph #13 for Iris pseudacorus.
    16 November, 2003 - Edmundas Kondratas added photograph #1 for I. humilis.
    16 November, 2003 - Edmundas Kondratas added a new species entry for I. humilis.
    15 November, 2003 - Mark A. Cook added photograph #1 for Trimezia martinicensis (without thumbnail).
    15 November, 2003 - Mark A. Cook added a new species entry for Trimezia martinicensis.
    15 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #2 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    15 November, 2003 - Anonymous added some new information for photograph #5 for Iris pseudacorus.
    15 November, 2003 - Anonymous added some new information for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    15 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #1 for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    15 November, 2003 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris pseudacorus hybrids.
    15 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #1 for Iris spuria subsp. monnieri.
    15 November, 2003 - D. Kramb added a new species entry for Iris odaesanensis.
    15 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #2 for Iris sibirica.
    15 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #1 for Iris sibirica.
    15 November, 2003 - Anonymous added a new species entry for Iris sibirica.
    15 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #6 for Iris lactea.
    15 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #5 for Iris lactea.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #4 for Iris laevigata.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #1 for Iris korolkowii.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #12 for Iris setosa.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #6 for Iris dichotoma.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #5 for Iris xiphium.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #3 for Iris x robusta.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #4 for Iris xiphium.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #12 for Iris versicolor.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #11 for Iris versicolor.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #10 for Iris versicolor.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #9 for Iris versicolor.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #2 for Iris stolonifera.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #12 for Iris pseudacorus.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added a new species entry for Iris korolkowii.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added a new species entry for Iris monnieri.
    14 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added a new synonym entry for Iris monnieri - see Iris spuria.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #3 for Iris pallida.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #2 for Iris pallida.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added some new information for Iris missouriensis.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added some new information for Iris dichotoma.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #8 for Iris versicolor.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #11 for Iris setosa.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #10 for Iris setosa.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #9 for Iris setosa.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #8 for Iris setosa.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #7 for Iris setosa.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #6 for Iris setosa.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #7 for Pardancanda x norrisii.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #11 for Iris pseudacorus.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #10 for Iris pseudacorus.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #9 for Iris pseudacorus.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #8 for Iris pseudacorus.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler, The Rock Garden added photograph #7 for Iris pseudacorus.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #6 for Iris orientalis.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #5 for Iris orientalis.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #3 for Iris xiphium.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #5 for Iris japonica.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #4 for Iris japonica.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #3 for Iris japonica.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #6 for Iris missouriensis.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #5 for Iris missouriensis.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #4 for Iris missouriensis.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #3 for Iris missouriensis.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #2 for Iris missouriensis.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #7 for Iris versicolor.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #5 for Iris spuria subsp. carthaliniae.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #5 for Iris ensata.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #5 for Iris dichotoma.
    13 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #10 for Iris cristata.
    13 November, 2003 - Jan Sacks added some new information for Iris tenuis.
    11 November, 2003 - Will Plotner added some new information for Iris tenuis.
    11 November, 2003 - C. Hensler added photograph #2 for Iris x robusta.
    10 November, 2003 - OFFICIAL LAUNCH - Phew! I finally finished transferring all the information from the old database over to the new one. Quite a tedious process, to be sure. From this point forward any information added to the database will be new, and with a bit of luck it will be from somebody besides me! I've found and fixed a few small bugs in the last few days and now the site seems ready for launch. If you find any problems please let me know.
    16 July, 2003 ~ 10 November, 2003 - D. Kramb transferred the old database to the new database format.
    20 April, 2003 - Added entry for Iris ivanovae. Added photos for I. cristata, laevigata, japonica, setosa, and ruthenica.
    16 February, 2003 - Added entry for Iris kolpakowskiana. Added photos for I. bucharica, magnifica, vicaria, pumila, robusta, orientalis.
    19 January, 2003 - Added entry for Iris atropurpurea. Added photos for Iris longipetala, Iris lazica, Iris milesii, Iris prismatica, Iris verna, Iris ensata, Iris orientalis, Iris fulva, Iris laevigata, Iris gracilipes, Iris crocea, Iris carthaliniae, Iris confusa, and Iris reticulata.
    28 December, 2002 - Added entry for Iris tridentata.
    26 December, 2002 - Added entries for Neomarica caerulea, and Iris sintenisii. Added photos for I. collettii, hoogiana, bucharica, and gracilipes.

© 1999-2020, SIGNA. Material from this database may be freely used for non-profit purposes, provided that you give proper credit to the original photographer or contributor. For-profit organizations should contact the photographer or contributor directly to request permission. SIGNA may or may not have contact information for those individuals. Number of Species: 434, Number of Photos: 2121

© 2024, SIGNA. For general inquiries about SIGNA please contact Rodney Barton. Please report technical problems to dkramb@gmail.com.
* Some important new updates were added January 2024 indicated by the asterisk in the header. Please check them out!